Chapter 36- The Hospital

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After two days of being bedridden with a stubborn cold, Ella was finally showing signs that she was getting better. Her fever had gone and her voice was no longer scratching nor stuffy. Because neither sister wanted Ella to get behind in her schoolwork, Evie agreed that Ella could go to school as long as she promised to go to the nurse if she started feeling sick again.

With her sister taken care of, Evie returned to work. Carla and Kennedy welcomed her back with a smile and immediately put her to work.

"How's Ella doing?" Carla asked as Evie restocked some of the pastries in the front. The older woman was sitting on the wooden stool behind the counter but since there weren't any people waiting to order, she was conversing with her two employees.

"A lot better," Evie replied with a smile. "Her fever dropped and her sinus' seemed to clear up so she'll be good as new in a few days."

"Glad to hear it."

Evie placed all of the sweet treats into the display case and then brought the empty tray with her to the kitchen. She passed Kennedy on the way who told her that her phone was blowing up.

"You've got to remember to silence that thing girl!" Kennedy remarked as she passed Evie. "Someone's calling you non-stop!"

"Ah probably just Tina," Evie said, waving off Kennedy's complaints.

"Alright well tell Her Royal Highness that you're busy baking sugar cookies!"

Evie rolled her eyes and put the tray down before heading over to her locker ad investigating. She grabbed her phone and immediately moved to flick the silencing button but paused when she saw who had been calling her. Her eyes widened as she scrolled through the long list of missed calls and voicemails.

2 Missed calls from ELLA


9 Missed calls from LEXIAN HOSPITAL

As she frantically dialed back the number with shaking fingers, her mind raced with the possibility that something terrible had happened to someone that she cared about.

"You've reached the Lexian Hospital. How can I help you?"

"Hi, this is Evelyn Delany. You've been calling me for the past half hour. Is everything ok? is my sister ok?"

A sigh and some muffled whispering caused Evie to bite her lip in worry.

"Your sister is going to be fine Miss Delany. But we need you to come in as soon as possible."

"I'll leave work right now," Evie said, throwing her stuff into her purse and frantically removing her apron.

"Thank you very much. We'll see you soon."

Evie hung up the phone and practically ran out of the kitchen.

"Evie where in King Jakob's name do you think you're going? Your break isn't for another-"

"Ella's in the hospital," Evie stated bluntly, digging in her pocket for her keys.  "I'm sorry Carla but I've got to go. I'll make it up to you-"

"Just go, Evie!" Carla exclaimed practically pushing her towards the door. "Text me as soon as you find out more."

Evie ran out of the door, her purse almost spilling its contents and her light jacket barely wrapped around her. She drove like a madwoman down the busy Lexian streets, barely holding back her tears at the thought of her baby sister sitting in a hospital gown. When she finally pulled into a parking spot and ran towards the hospital doors, she had tear tracks down her cheeks and her eyes were left red and puffy.

"Are you alright Miss?" One of the staff asked as soon as she walked in. Evie mentally reminded herself that she needed to calm down. In fact, right now she probably looked more like a patient than a visitor.

"I'm here to see my sister," Evie sniffled. Seeing the nurse's concerned face, she elaborated.

"My name is Evelyn Delany and I need to see my sister Ella. I've gotten calls that she's here? Can someone please tell me what's happening to my baby sister?"

The nurse tried to calm Evie down but she only got more hysterical.

"Please miss! I'm begging you! Can you please just tell me what's wrong with her?"

"I need you to calm down before I explain anything," The nurse insisted. "Please, sit down and then we can talk about your options."

Evie hesitantly shut her mouth and slouched back in a chair.

"Ella has a minor case of pneumonia. It's perfectly treatable and we expect her to make a full recovery," The nurse explained.

"Oh thank god," Evie murmured, dropping her head into her hands and sighing in relief. "When I got the call I was so worried-"

"And that's perfectly understandable. But I want to talk to you about her symptoms before we visit her. Do you know what happened that resulted in her trip to this hospital?"

Evie reluctantly shook her head.

"She coughed up blood in front of the class and then claimed to be light headed."

Evie couldn't help the horrified gasp that came out of her mouth as the nurse explained.

"Did you have any knowledge of any previous symptoms? We just need to know if this was caused by a different infection."

"She had a cold," Evie said, frowning at the nurse and wringing her hands together. "But she was getting better! Her fever had gone down and her throat wasn't sore anymore!"

"I believe you Evelyn and trust me when I say that you did a great job taking care of her. Sometimes infections take a little while to show themselves. I also want to talk to you about her recommended medications before we go in to see her. I want her on antibiotics and pain relievers for her cough."

"Yes, that sounds good," Evie said, feeling overwhelmed by the information that was being thrust upon her.

"Wonderful. How about we take a walk to go see her?"

Evie jumped up from her seat and nervously followed the nurse as they walked down a long corridor. As they passed other pediatric patients, Evie couldn't help but look through the windows to see them. She felt her insides clenching painfully at the distraught faces of parents sitting next to their sick child.

"This is our long-term wing," The nurse said, smiling softly at Evie. "Many of these patients will have to stay with us for weeks at a time. Ella is in our short-term care wing. It's just a bit farther."

Evie reluctantly left the wing and followed the nurse as she finally lead her into a room. Ella was sitting up in the hospital bed, looking down at one f the IV's poking into her arm. Her legs were crossed and a small stuffed bear sat in her lap.

"El?" Evie called hesitantly from where she stood in the doorway.

Ella's head turned to face her so suddenly that Evie worried about her neck.

"Evie! You came!" Ella called from her bed. Evie gave her a small smile and walked over to the bed.

"Of course I came," Evie said, sitting down lightly on the edge of the bed. "How are you feeling?"

"Like shit," Ella mumbled with a small laugh.

"I'm going to excuse that language since you're lying in a hospital bed."

The two sisters talked for a long time. Evie did everything she could to entertain Ella who was quickly getting bored by sitting around in a room of white walls. Her friends were in school so no one could visit her or even text her. Luckily, the two only had to sit for a few hours before the doctor did a final exam and discharged Ella with a prescription for antibiotics and painkillers. Evie finally felt like she could breathe again.

Until she was handed the medical bill.

A/N- Panic! At the Disco is my bae.

That's all.

See y'all later byeeeeeeeeee.

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