Chapter 39- The Dress

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"Hey," Evie said breathlessly, hugging Tina tightly. They were standing outside of their favorite coffee shop, each one holding a large latte and biscotti. Tina had just gotten out of class and called Evie to meet up with her since she didn't like hanging out on campus alone. With her sister's birthday being in just a few days, Evie had been reluctant to take time away from planning the party. But, she hadn't seen Tina in a while and couldn't resist the temptation of caffeine.

"How are you?" Tina asked as they strolled around the beautiful campus. "I heard that Ella's birthday is coming up."

"Tomorrow actually," Evie said with a small smile. "I'm taking her shopping for a dress today."

Tina turned to look at her friend with her eyebrow raised questioningly.

"Is she...trying to impress anyone?"

Evie nodded distractedly.

"Some guy in her class named Michael-"

"Oh my gosh! Don't take her shopping! Bring her to the palace and she can take any of my dresses."

"Tina!" Evie exclaimed. "I can't just let her take your dresses! Those probably cost way more than we can afford-"

"Then think of it as a birthday present. Please? They're just going to sit and collect dust otherwise. Especially the ones that don't fit me anymore."

Evie bit her lip as she thought about it for a moment.


"Nope. Just let her come over ok? I could... use some of your advice anyway so maybe we could talk while she looks around?"

Evie nodded her head hesitantly.

"I pick her up from school at 3 so we probably won't get there until 3:30 is that ok?" 

"I'll be waiting in the entrance room. The guards already know your license plate so you should be fine to get in but I'll let them know anyway."

"Great. But are you absolutely sure that it's ok for us to come over?"

"Yes, Evie!"

"Alright, alright. Thank you, Tina. You have no idea how much this will mean to Ella."

"Your welcome Evie but really, It's nothing. Now I'm going to go and call the palace to make sure that we've got some maids and things to help us later."


"Stop protesting Evie! Remember I need your help with something too."

"Do," Evie paused, looking up from her drink and studying Tina's face. "Do you want to talk about it now?"

Tina shook her head slightly, inhaling deeply before turning her face to meet Evie's.

"It's complicated and we've only got a few minutes."

"Did you get a new boyfriend?" Evie asked carefully.

Tina ran a hand through her strawberry blonde wig. "Something like that."

Evie gave her friend a reassuring smile and then said her goodbyes. After parting ways with Tina, Evie made her way to Carla's where she worked for a few hours before leaving to pick up Ella. As soon as Ella got into the car, she began to gush about all the dresses that she had seen in magazines lately.

"Obviously I can't have the exact same dress as Naya Rivera but I can probably find something similar right? The mall must have something that looks almost as cool."

"Actually," Evie said once they were stopped at a red light. "I'm not taking you to the mall."

"But Evie you promised! The party's tomorrow and I really need a new dress!"

"I didn't say that I wasn't taking you to get a dress, I just said that we won't be shopping at the mall. Chill out."

"Are we going to that boutique near Carla's?"

"Just trust me alright? You're going to love this."

As Evie pulled up to the palace gates, Ella acquired a look of disbelief.

"No," She whispered, skepticism lacing her tongue. "Evie tell me that we are not about to enter the palace."

"I'd be lying if I said that," Evie replied with a smile. She looked back using her rear-view mirror and had to choke down a laugh. Ella looked like she had just won the lottery.

"Are you telling me that Tina has a dress that I can wear? The girls are going to freak out! And Michael won't be able to take his eyes off of me! Do you know what the dress looks like? Princess Valentina has an amazing style so even if it's one of her super old dresses I would totally wear it. Actually, even if she just gives me a onesie I would try to fit into it because I mean it's from a freaking princess!"

"Ok well, first of all, I expect you to be on your best behavior alright? I know you're excited but-"

"Evie I'm not two."

Evie glared at her younger sister but continued on as if she had never been interrupted.

"I just want you to be extra polite, ok? And secondly, I think that Tina has more than just one dress picked out for you so be prepared to be her personal doll for a bit."

"That sounds like a dream come true!" Ella practically squealed.

Evie chuckled as she pulled into the lavish driveway of the palace. No matter how many times she entered, she never got used to the luxurious fountains and lush gardens that were hidden behind the iron gates. Ella looked like she might go into shock just from looking at the overly green grass.

Evie checked in with the security and then pulled up to the front doors of the palace where the sisters were immediately greeted by guards. One of them took Evie's keys from her and drove off to park her car in the garage while the other helped Ella out of the backseat.

The doormen held open the wide mahogany doors and waited patiently as Evie dragged Ella into the foyer. As her small kitten heel clicked the floor, a well-dressed man ran up to her and bowed his head.

"Miss Delnay it is my pleasure to see you again. Shall I alert the Princess of your presence?"

Evie opened her mouth to reply to the butler but she was cut off by Tina as she waltzed into the front room.

"No need," Tina said, flashing the two sisters a grin. "I'll take it from here, Sam."

A/N- Sooooooo something weird is happening and I'm not sure how it got like this. I'm almost certain that this chapter is supposed to be chapter 40 except on here, it's chapter 39. So I'm not sure if I've just been labeling chapters incorrectly or if I didn't upload a random chapter but either way, it kind of sucks and I'm sorry. I'll figure it out when I get the chance but school comes first and that's really been taking a toll on me.

I hope all of you guys have a great day and if you've got some extra time, I would love for you guys to read my entry for the #toalltheboyscontest. It's called Dear, S and you can find it on my profile.

Love you guys and I'll see you later!

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