Chapter 11- The Drawing

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"And Dev, you wanna come so we can show her the joined room?"

"It'd be my pleasure," Devon said, standing up to join his sister.

Evie obediently walked with a royal on either side of her as they navigated through their home. Eventually, they reached a large pair of double doors that had the same intricate wood carvings that every other door had but this time, Evie could clearly make out two figures between the random carvings.

"It's meant to be us," Devon said. "Grandma actually had the room and the doors made when Nita was born to give us a place to truly be kids."

"And so now we have small, creepy children carved into the door," Tina said as she opened one of the doors with a smirk. "This place does have it's perks though. No guards allowed. Mom and Dad hate that rule but Grandma actually made it a law when she was Queen."

Evie stepped inside imagining a large, clean space with chess tables or a pool table.

Oh how wrong she was.

She was correct in thinking that it was a very large space. However, there wasn't a chess table in sight.

Although, there was a very large hot tub, lounge chairs and arcade games.

"What do you think?" Devon asked stepping in front of Evie. "I also packed the mini fridge with snacks if you're interested."

"We just ate Dev. How much food can you eat?" Tina asked, already plugging her phone into a charger and relaxing into a lounger.

"I'm not hungry. I'm just being a good host," Devon retorted as he made his way over to the fridge and pulled out a water bottle.

"Whatever. You wanna come try out this new game we got Evie?" Tina asked, standing up and walking over to the row of arcade games.

"Yeah, sure Tina."

The game turned out to be quite boring so after a couple rounds, Tina and Evie called it quits and joined Devon near the huge flatscreen TV. They each grabbed a soda from the mini fridge and then settled into a couple of open bean bag chairs. Devon was watching a cartoon about a fat giraffe.

"Oh hey Nita, I think I'm going to go over to Fred's again tonight. Cover for me?"

"Wasted or sober?" Tina asks without skipping a beat.


Tina sighed deeply before turning to Evie and explaining.

"Devon here likes to sneak out and go to his friend Fred's club. And then he leaves his poor sister to cover for him. Half the time this is fine but when he comes home completely-"


"-Wasted. It can be slightly hard to convince our parents that the heir to the throne is not in fact stuck in his bathroom-"


"-Puking his guts out and nursing a hangover."

Devon exasperatedly flung his hands upwards.

"Was that truly necessary Nita?" Devon asked. "And just so you don't think of me as a complete mess Evie, that's only happened once."

Evie and Tina just looked at each other and laughed.

"Fine, Dev, but just so you know, we've got that dinner tomorrow so you can't be puking all over the Prince of Hillville's carpet."

Devon nodded and then shrugged a jacket on.

"I'll be back by 4 hopefully."

Tina and Evie watched as Devon carefully covered his curly hair with a black beanie and then cautiously walked towards a bookshelf. He pulled on one of the top books and then stepped back as it slowly swung forward.

'Well, there is literally nothing else that can surprise me anymore ' Evie thought to herself as she watched the Prince disappear into a tunnel of darkness.

"Alrighty, wanna head back to my room? We can get you all unpacked if you want."

Evie just nodded, her mouth still slightly agape at the fact that someone literally just disappeared into a wall.


"And then Ella punched the asshole in the face!" Evie exclaimed.

Tina and her had settled into their pj's and were now sitting on Tina's massive bed. Several butlers had come in carrying a mattress for Evie to use but they had been having too much fun to seperate.

"Well he deserved it!" Tina said, leaning back onto her pillows. "Ugh, what time is it?"

"Ummmm, a little past midnight maybe?"

"Oh royal pudding we gotta go to Dev's room."


"Just follow me."

The two girls took off through the castle's many passageways just barely avoiding the guards. Tina pressed her finger to her lips signaling for Evie to stay quiet. She turned a corner before whipping back around and pressing herself against the wall.

"Stay right here," Tina whispered before she flipped her hair and strutted towards the guards.

Evie watched closely as the guards lifted their weapons.

"Carlos? Is that you?" Tina asked innocently.

"Yes your highness. Although I must ask, what are you doing wandering around at this time of night?" A deep masculine voice answered. Evie could barely make out his face in the dimly lit halls.

"Oh wonderful," Tina said completely ignoring the guards question. "You see I need a favor. It would appear that Devon has fallen asleep in the joined room again. I was just wondering if I could possibly grab him a pillow?"

"You need his permission to enter the room, your highness."

"Carlos, you know I won't do anything rash. I simply want to retrieve a pillow and a blanket."

Evie could hear a long sigh.

"Just this once, princess. Next time tell him to be more responsible and come back to his bedroom."

"Of course Carlos. Thank you so much."

Evie stood silently as Tina emered from the Prince's room carrying a pillow and a thin blanket. She thanked Carlos once more before turning the corner and rejoining Evie. Evie turned to Tina expecting to get handed a pillow but instead found a crumpled piece of paper being placed into her hand.

Evie turned to Tina with her eyebrows scrunched together tightly. Tina just gave her a black stare.

"What is this?" Evie asked.

"Did you meet my brother before I brought you to the palace?"


"My brother. You've met him before haven't you?"

Evie froze.


A/N- Hi guys! So I had this chapter all edited and everything but for some reason it deleted itself? I don't know what happened but it's fine I just had to  re-edit stuff.

Anyway, what did you guys think of this chapter? I had way too much fun writing the ending!

I'll see you all on Friday and I can't wait for you to read the next chapter!

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