Chapter 9- The Sleepover

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"Carlos, could you grab Evie's bags? Thank you," Tina said as she stepped out of the towncar that had brought her and Evie to the palace. 

She strutted towards the doors and smiled at the guards as they lowered her heads towards her. 

"Come on Evie, Carlos will bring your bags to my wing."

Evie stepped out of the car with less certainty and then awkwardly nodded at the guards as she passed. She followed Tina into the large entryway, taking a moment to marvel at the large chandelier, and then walked up the stairs. 

"My wing is on the north side so we've got a bit of a walk unfortunately," Tina explained as she manuevered around the palaces many twists and turns. 

Evie simply hurried to keep up and tried not to accidentally run into one of the many guards that lined the palace walls. 

"And here we are!" Tina exclaimed once they reached a pair of large, wooden double doors. 

Two guards were positioned near the doors quickly moved to open them and let the pair of friends in. Tina threw them a brilliant smile before walking in. 

Evie stepped in and was surprised to see that they weren't in Tina's bedroom yet. They started walking down a hallway which had a fuzzy white carpet and gray walls. Tina smiled at Evie before starting to point at various doors. 

"That door leads to my personal study and that one leads to my private drawing room. Then this one leads to my closet and that one goes to my bathroom."

"Wait. All of this is yours?" Evie asked. 

"Yeah," Tina said, her smile faltering a bit. "I know it's kind of a lot but it's home."

"No, no don't feel bad it's just... bigger than what I'm used to."

"Yeah things in the palace generally are," Tina said. "Anyway, if we go all the way down the hallway, we get to my actual bedroom!"

Evie's jaw dropped at the sight. Tina's bed had a white canopy hanging above it and it was 3x as big as Evie's bed back home. There was a giant bay window that was covered by a white curtain and decorative pastel pink pillows were placed perfectly. 

A white vanity was placed against the wall opposite from Tina's bed and next to it there was a shelf that had wig heads with various colored hair on them. 

Tina moved forward and sat at the vanity. She opened one of the drawers and took out a brush and a scrunchy before she reached up and pulled off her wig. 

"Ugh this thing gets so itchy sometimes," Tina complained as she set her wig on one of the empty heads. 

Evie was still staring at everything with wide eyes. 

"Evie? Still there?" Tina asked as she got up again. 

"What? Oh yeah, it's just so big!" Evie exclaimed. 

"I know, sorry if it's too much I just really wanted to have you over and-"

"Tina, it's fine."

"Are you sure?"


"Oh good because I really didn't want you to go home! Now we have to get ready for dinner which will be served in exactly 1 hour. You can borrow one of my dresses since we should be relatively the same size and if we're not I'll just call Jackie in and she can find something for you."

"Who's Jackie?" Evie asked as the pair made their way over to the door that led to Tina's closet. 

"She's one of the head maids here. Now which colors compliment your eyes?"

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