Chapter 43- The EX

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Evie happily hummed to herself as she finished her duties in the bakery. She made she that the dishes were in the washer and that all of the leftover pastries were placed into their boxes to be delivered to various causes all over Lexia. As she hung her apron up in her locker, she heard Kennedy yelling at someone in front.

Kennedy was always rather horrid at following the rule that the customer was always right which resulted in Evie or Carla stepping in if a customer came to the register to complain. Rolling her eyes with a sigh, Evie quickly grabbed her purse and walked to the front.


"Oi! Ken, calm down! You're making a scene!" Evie hissed at her friend, shuffling over and resting a hand on her shoulder. "I'll take care of this, go get your bag so that when Tina comes you'll be ready to go."

"But Evie-"

"Go!" Evie urged with a smile, seating herself at the register and setting her purse on the ground. "What seems to be-" Her voice faltered off as she finally looked up at the man in front of her.

His blonde hair was clipped short, nothing falling onto his face. His chin jutted out as his eyes roamed over Evie, assessing her.

"Long time no see Evelyn," He said, his voice clear and harsh.

"Get out of here Anthony," Evie whispered, picking her purse up from the ground. "You shouldn't have come here."

"Now that sounds like you're refusing my business," He smirked, leaning closer to Evie. "Can I talk to you? Maybe we could sit down together-"

"Get out of my bakery Anthony," Evie said, stronger this time. "Get out of here before you do something stupid."

"I'm the stupid one?" Anthony shouted. Evie flinched back. "You're the one who stayed here with your little sister! You turned down your future Evie! We were supposed to conquer the world!"

"Shut up Anthony! You know I did what I had to do."

Anthony shook his head and leaned against the counter. Evie peered behind her and could see Kennedy frantically gesturing for her to exit through the kitchens. Customers were staring and leaving the shop with apprehensive looks on their face. Evie didn't care, Carla would understand when she explained. Evie waited as Anthony took a deep breath and then bit her lip as he looked up at her with a softness that she hadn't seen from him in a long time. It was the face of the man that she fell in love with. A man that promised her the world.

"I'm sorry Evie. I know that you did what you felt was right. And that doesn't mean that I think that it was the right choice, but I do know that you're so smart so I have to trust your decision."

Evie nodded quietly, tears gathering in her eyes. "Is that why you're here? To apologize?"

"That's one of the reasons," Anthony admitted. "But mostly, I came because my mom died. Her funeral is this weekend."

"I'm sorry for your loss."

"Thank you. But Evie, while I'm here, I want to talk to you." Anthony hesitantly took her hand. "I want you to come back to America with me."


"Look. When we made our decisions all those years ago, we were still so young. Now, I've got enough money to rent an apartment for us and you could get your scholarship back to take care of the school."

"I can't go with you Anthony," Evie said quietly, pulling her hand away. "My life is here. With Ella."

Anthony immediately retracted his hand as if he had been stung. He looked at Evie with a disgusted and confused expression. "I'm giving you a second chance to make things right Evie. How could you turn something like this down?"

Evie shook her head sadly, tears starting to trickle down her face.

"You're never going to change are you?" Evie asked quietly, looking into Anthony's dark eyes. "You're still the same, ambitious boy that I fell in love with. But you know what's different now? I realize that you don't care about me. Our plan was to go to your dream school. Live in your dream apartment. Campaign for you to take office while I just sat there like your little Barbie doll. Well, guess what Anthony? I don't need your second chance. I've never had a doubt in my mind that I made the right choice in staying here."

"I loved you!" Anthony exclaimed angrily. "I trusted you with everything! And then you abandoned me!"

"YOU LEFT ME!" Evie screamed, unable to hold her tears back any longer. Kennedy looked about ready to rip Anthony in half but Evie waved her down. She needed this. "I needed you and you left me! You left me with nothing!"

"You should've come with me!"

"YOU'RE AN ASSHOLE!" Evie finally screamed.


The bakery went silent for a moment as everyone took a moment to process what Anthony had said. As his angry eyes found Evie's, she shook her head. And then she lifted her hand and slapped him across the face.

"You know I always pitied you," Evie said, her eyes still swimming with tears but her voice strong and controlled. "You grew up without loving parents or inspiring siblings. But you know what? That doesn't give you an excuse to belittle people. You need to go back to college Anthony. And never come near me again."

Anthony scoffed and lunged forward, grabbing her wrist. Kennedy shrieked from her spot behind the counter and threw herself against the wall to avoid Evie's angry punches that were aimed towards her ex-boyfriend.

"Let me go you psycho!" Evie screamed.

"You're coming with me," Anthony snarled.

And then the entrance bell for that bakery went off and Evie heard a familiar voice join the conversation.

"Get your hands off of her," Tina said calmly, stepping into the bakery with a calm expression on her face.

Anthony whipped around giving Evie the chance to shake herself free and run to stand next to Tina.

"Help is on the way," Tina whispered to Evie before turning back to Anthony.

"Get out of this bakery."

"Who the hell are you?" Anthony exclaimed, stalking closer to where Evie and Tina were standing.

"Did you not hear me?" Tina asked, looking incredulously at the man in front of her. "I told you to get out of my face."

"Let me talk to my girlfriend, bitch," Anthony snarled, reaching forward to grab Evie's hand again. "Come on Evelyn, let's go have a civilized conversation-"

Evie flinched back, letting her mouth fall open in shock as a look of hurt passed over Anthony's face briefly. And then it was replaced by shock. Evie cautiously looked to her left and almost let out a small scream when she saw what Anthony was staring at.

Tina stood next to her wearing a look of sheer anger. But Evie couldn't even focus on the fact that it looked like Tina might murder her ex. She could only focus on the fact that the brown wig that Tina usually hid under was now laying on the floor.

"Excuse me, sir. But I believe you've just called the Princess of Lexia, a bitch."

A/N- This chapter is dedicated to my friend who recently passed away. I cannot give her name due to privacy but I can say that she was a great friend who deserved the world. Don't forget to cherish all your good times with your friends and family.

Love you all the most and I hope you have a great day💗

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