Chapter 4- The Princess

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"How many times have I told you to call me Tina? And who do we have here?" Tina asked as she walked closer.

Her blonde hair was hanging loosely around her shoulders and she was wearing a simple sundress but she somehow managed to make it look like it was a designer piece. Her smile was light and sincere as she stepped closer.

"My name is Evelyn miss, umm ma'am, umm your highness?" Evie stuttered.

"Hey, Evelyn. Did you bring these delicious cream puffs?" Tina asked with a smile.

"Yes." Evie nodded her head quickly.

"Well, then I like you already! I think that these cream puffs are the best thing since sliced bread! I just wish I could get them more often."

"Oh well, I'm sure Carla would be happy for you to come and eat as many as you want."

Tina laughed and Evie was surprised that it wasn't a little twinkle like she had heard before. It was breathy and loud and Evie just had to smile.

"Thank you really but unfortunately I can't go as much as I would like. That's why I get Ms. Carla to send me these! I mean I guess technically these are for everyone here but you get what I mean."

"Ummm yeah."

"Don't be so nervous Evelyn! I promise I don't bite," Tina said with a smile.

"I know. I'm sorry."

"Don't be! Now, mother is expecting me to be in the tea room in about five minutes. Why don't I walk you over?"

"That would be wonderful, thank you."

"Awesome! Just follow me."

As they walked through the wide halls Tina just kept talking and Evie couldn't be happier. After all, it saved her from having to say anything.

She explained the different photos on the walls and what every door led to. Guards walked behind them and were stationed at the entrance to every room. Evie could feel her muscles tense every time they passed the guards. Eventually, Tina ran out of things to talk about so she turned to Evie and asked her about herself.

"Oh I'm a student at Lexia University and I work at the bakery part-time," Evie said shyly.

"That's awesome! I'm a student there too! We should talk sometime. Maybe you could show me how to make the cream puffs?"

"Wait you're a student at LU?"

"Of course! Go Lions!" Tina cheered.

"Oh. I thought you and your brother were homeschooled."

"My brother was, and I was when I was younger as well but, I eventually convinced my mom that I could wear a disguise and leave my crown at home. It's not as big a deal to my mom since I'm not the heir." She pointed at the headpiece that rested on her forehead.


"But I'm glad I get to go to college. I mean I can't live on campus and a guard has to be in all of my classes but at least I get to go out."

"Well I don't live on campus either so I don't think you're missing out on too much."

"Oh. Do you live with your parents? I heard that most students like to live in the dorms."

"Ummm no. I actually have my own apartment." Evie said quietly.

"Well, that's awesome! One day I want to get my own apartment."

"I would wait as long as possible. The rent is expensive and landlords can be quite a pain in the arse." Evie covered her mouth quickly. "Was I not supposed to say that? I'm sorry-"

"Relax Evelyn. It's fine. Just don't say it in front of my mother." Tina laughed.

"Ok. Ok, what should I say? Should I curtsy? What do I call her? Should I keep my elbows off the table? Is there a table?" Evie asked suddenly realizing that she was going to be sitting in the same room as the ruler of her country.

Tina stopped suddenly and turned to face Evie. She rested her hands on her shoulders and looked into her eyes.

"Alright listen to me, Evelyn. Pretend that you're going to a normal lunch party. Don't look so nervous or I can promise you that Prince Alexander will start teasing you and there's nothing I can say to him. Address my mother as 'My queen' or 'your highness'. A curtsy will put you in her good books but it's not necessary. It's only necessary when you're greeting my father who's out on business today. Don't worry about introducing yourself, I'll do that. What's your last name? Oh and don't start to eat until my mother does ok?"

"It's Delany and just for the record, that doesn't seem like a normal lunch party."

Tina laughed and removed her hands from Evie's shoulders.

"Come on. You're going to be fine I promise." 

Evie took deep breaths as Tina walked confidently down the hallway. Then she stopped outside of a large wooden door.

"Remember what I told you," She whispered.

And then she opened the door.

A/N- Hello lovelies!!!
I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Tina is one of my favorite characters (who am I kidding I love them all) and she is going to be in the story a lot more so I hope you guys like her too!
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And if you want to follow me on social media, the username is ThatMatchie.
Love you all and see you next time!

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