Chapter 21- The Kiss

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"By secret entrance I figured you meant a secret door or something," Evie whispered. "Not walking on planks right above the guards!" 

"That's not nearly as fun is it? Now come on, just follow my lead," Devon said from his position in front of Evie. 

Devon carefully stepped forward making sure to avoid the cracks in between the boards. His broad shoulders were hunched forward to ensure he didn't hit his head on the wooden support beams above him and his hands were carefully spread apart, ready to grab onto the boards in he fell. 

"Have you done this before?" Evie whispered keeping her eyes down to ensure her safety. 

"All the time. How do you think I escape my guards?" 

"They just want to protect you I'm sure."

"I suppose. However, I get quite uncomfortable when they want to stand right outside the bathroom while I relieve myself."

"Fair enough. Now, are we almost there?"

"Just a few more steps. Then, we go down a little ladder ok?"

"Thank god. No more hanging from ropes?"

"Nope, and I think you secretly enjoyed that trip."

"I'm fairly certain I didn't," Evie said walking faster as she saw the ladder that would finally lead her off of the ceiling. 

"Sure, now watch your step on this thing alright? I'm going to go down first so I can open the door," Devon said already disappearing down the ladder. 

Evie waited until his entire body disappeared from view and then started her climb down the ladder. The metal was cold against her sweaty palms and the small closet that it was in made her feel claustrophobic. Then, finally, her feet touched solid ground. 

Evie released a breath that she didn't know she had been holding and then turned around to enter Devon's room. 

Once again, Evie's expectations of what the royal family members rooms looked like was very skewed. Devon's walls were a deep red and were covered in pictures of various bands, book posters, and portraits of other people that Evie didn't recognize. 

Devon was standing by a white desk that was placed in the corner of the room. She walked over to find him grabbing something out of the bottom drawer. 

"Here," Devon said handing her a small envelope. "It's not much but I hope you enjoy it."

"I'm sure I'll love it," Evie assured him as she peeled away the envelope. 

Inside there was a small birthday card that was clearly handmade with care. The front of the card had elegant gold writing that read:

Happy Birthday Evelyn

Evie smiled at Devon before fully opening the card.

Dearest Evelyn,

Here's a little gift that I've been working on for a while. I didn't think I would get the chance to give it to you since I knew nothing other than your name, but then you showed up with a box of cream puffs and became my sisters best friend. So here's to new beginnings and hopefully, new friends.


Evie slowly swallowed the lump that was in her throat and moved the card aside to look at the last thing in the envelope. 

It was a slightly crinkled piece of paper that Evie recognized as being similar to a paper from on if her earlier visits to the palace. This one was done in the same style but from a slightly different angle. It was a portrait of her sitting in the car on the day they had first met. She was facing forward with her eyes gazing intently out of the front window. Everything was perfectly shaded and the artist was clearly very talented. 

"Devon," Evie whispered. "You remember? You know that it was me?"

"How could I forget? It's not very often I find pretty girls sitting by themselves in the back of a club," He said stepping closer. 

"You think I looked pretty?" 

"I think you always look beautiful."

Evie looked into his hazel eyes and she could tell he was genuine. Her eyes wandered over the slight wrinkles in his forehead gave away the stress of being the heir to the throne and his nose that seemed to be perfectly proportioned to all of his other features. And finally, her eyes rested on his perfectly pink lips. 

She watched as he slowly took a deep breath and then opened his mouth. 

"Evie?" He asked, his voice low and quiet. "May I kiss you?"

Evie nodded slightly, unable to think straight enough to utter any words. Her eyes were still focused on his perfect lips as they came closer until finally, her eyes slid closed. She felt the soft, warmth of his lips on hers moments later and at that moment, Evie felt like her entire world had exploded with fireworks.


Funnily enough I just found out that my crush got a new girlfriend😭🙃

Oh well at least Evie gets her dream guy!

Did the kiss live up to your expectations? I hope I did it justice!

Anyway, I love you all and I'll see you on Thursday!

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