Chapter 27- The Newspaper

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By the next morning, it was painfully clear that Tina's prediction had, unfortunately, become a reality.

Every newspaper in Lexia had the picture on the front page accompanied by a harsh headline. Some were positive, sending their well wishes to the crowned prince and his newfound love. Others criticized him for being so intimate in public. They all had one thing in common though; They wanted to know who had stolen Prince Devon's heart.

"You're famous Evie!" Ella exclaimed, shoving her phone into Evie's face. "Literally everyone is wondering who you are. It's like a Cinderella story!"

"I'm not famous El. And you better not tell any of your friends," Evie said, placing a plate of eggs on the table.

"I'm not an idiot, Evie."

"Good. Now get ready for school."

Within an hour, Ella was off to school and Evie was shelving pastries at the bakery.

"I feel like everyone is talking about me," Evie whispered to Kennedy.

"I mean, they kinda are," Kennedy whispered back. "I doubt that there's one person in this bakery that doesn't want to know the identity of the girl in the photo."

"You're not making me feel better Kennedy."

"Sorry but it's the truth! I mean have you seen the statement that Prince Devon made? Honestly, I think you need to tell him that he should've stayed quiet. If anything, the statement made people more curious."

"Oh dear god what did he say now?"

"Nothing bad," Kennedy assured her, pulling out her phone to show her the article. "He just said that people should mind their own business and quit trying to pry into his life."

"He said that?" Evie exclaimed.

"Well, not in those words but close enough. Did he not tell you that he was making a statement?"

"No, he just told me that he and Tina would handle it."

"How romantic! He's your night in shining armor!"

"I can take care of it myself. I mean it's not like anyone knows that it's me."

"Still it's nice that he wants to protect you," Kennedy said, putting the last pan of cream puffs onto the display.

"I know," Evie replied.

"Are you going to go see him today?"


"Why not?" Kennedy exclaimed.

"Because we have to let the hype die down. We don't need to fuel the already very dangerous fire."

"But don't you guys want to see each other? I mean you are boyfriend-"

"It's not that official yet. Or maybe it is. It doesn't matter right now Kennedy! What matters is keeping our relationship private."

"Fine, but don't complain to me when all you can think about is his 'gorgeous hazel eyes'." Kennedy mocked.


Halfway through the day, Evie realized that Kennedy's earlier words may have held some truth.

She found herself wondering how Devon was coping with the media and how his parents reacted. After hours of wondering, she finally gave in and sent a text to Devon.

Evie:How's life at the palace?

Devon: Never better. Except that my parents spent the last three hours screaming at me for being 'careless'.

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