Chapter 18- The Lights

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The three girls walked outside with Tina leading the way. Her silver stilettos clicked against the cheap, faux wood flooring that the hallways sported and her natural blonde hair bounced in time with her stride. The three well-dressed ladies looked very out of place in the slightly shabby apartment building but, none of them seemed to mind.

As they stepped outside, Evie felt herself shiver slightly as the cold, winter air hit her skin.

"Tina? Where'd Carlos park?" Evie asked as she hugged her arms to her chest tightly and tucking her head into her fuzzy scarf.

"Look up," Tina replied with a giggle. 

Evie stopped in her tracks as she heard Tina's tone of voice and almost asked what was wrong. The question was on the tip of her tongue when she heard Kennedy's strangled squeak. Snapping her head up, she finally looked at what Tina was showing her.

A shiny black limo was parked right in front of the building. A thin line of colored lights lined the windows and the rims of the wheels were multichromatic. The pedestrians walking by gaped at the clearly expensive vehicle and even started to pull their phones out as Carlos opened the back door for the girls.

"Tina," Evie breathed. "Is this our ride?"

"What do you think? Come on in! Free booze for anyone overage." Tina said with a wink at Kennedy.

"I'm in!" Kennedy said rushing over to where Carlos helped her into the car.

"Come on birthday girl!" Tina called as she followed Kennedy into the car.

"But-" Evie started but she stopped as she realized that she was now standing alone.

"Miss?" Carlos asked.

Evie sighed but walked forward and grudgingly let herself be helped into the car. The inside was just as extravaent as the outside. A mini bar was set up against the wall between the passangers and the driver seat. Music played from speakers set up at the top of the limo and the windows were tinted so no one could see what was going on inside.

"Alrighty, ladies! We should be at the mall in about 15 minutes and then our adventure begins!" Tina said as she popped open a can of sprite. "I got us reservations at Bonita and then, I got us a suite at Gaffney's and of course we can go to whatever other stores you want-"

"Wait we're going to Bonita?" Kennedy exclaimed as she almost spit out her champage. "As in the top rated spa in Lexia?"

"And Gaffney's? As in the store that designs for models?" Evie exclaimed.

"Well yeah. I figured we had to go all out for your 21st! I can't drink or else we would be at Fred's place but I figured this would do."

Evie opened her mouth to object but Carlos interupted.

"We're here your highness."

"Thank you Carlos!" Tina called back. "Alrighty, girls let's get out your sunglasses."

Evie and Kennedy looked at each other, perplexed.

"We're going inside Tina. And it's almost December so I doubt we need much sun protection." Evie said.

"Well since we're going in a very public, not very secure place, I may or may not need to have about a dozen guards standing around me at all times. And they may or may not attract a lot of attention. And there may or may not be some fans and paparazzi right outside this door-"

"Oh my god," Evie mumbled as she noticed for the first time that Tina wasn't in a wig. "Why aren't you wearing a wig?"

"Well, either way, I was going to need to guards so I figured to just let it be."

"Did you say, paparazzi?" Kennedy asked as she pulled a pair of large sunglasses out of her purse.

"Yeah, sorry Evie. I tried to keep it low key but duty calls I guess," Tina said with a little smile. 

Evie sighed but one look at her friends face told her that she was geniunly sorry. 

"Well, let's go I guess," Evie said as she slipped her sunglasses on. 

Tina grinned at her and called out to Carlos who immediantly got out of his seat and came to open their door. 

"Alright you two," Tina said turning to them. "Keep your sunglasses on and I'll have guards around you the entire time ok? Don't talk to anyone."

Evie nodded her head and looked over at Kennedy who was straightening her hair. At that moment, Carlos opened the door and poked his head in. 

"Ready your highness? Ladies?"

"As ready as I'll ever be," Evie whispered under her breath. 


Tina stepped out first, gracefully sliding out of the limo and immediately smiling and waving at the crowd. 

Kennedy was next. She accepted Carlos' hand, got out of the vehicle and was immediately surrounded by several guards who put gentle hands on her back to help her forward. 

"Ready Ms. Evelyn?" Carlos asked, extending his hand to her. 

"Thank you Carlos," Evie said softly. 

The quiet roar of a crowd, cameras, and guards sent a flutter through Evie's stomach. Her hand shook as she helped herself out of the car and into the public eye. 

For a moment, the camera flashes were blinding. Then, just as Evie was about to cover her eyes, four guards stepped in, blocking her from the camera's view. She felt a hand on her back and heard the roar of all of Tina's devoted subjects yet she didn't dare look up. 

And then she almost tripped over the mall's welcome mat.

A/N- Hi guys! I had a really great weekend so I'm feeling pretty pumped for this week! I hope you guys are having a great day too!

Who's excited to see what I've planned for Evie's birthday?!

I really like the next few chapters so don't forget to add this story to your library if you want to get notifications when I post! And of course please vote and share this story with your friends because it really helps me out.

Love you all and I'll see you on Friday!

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