Chapter 33- The Princess of Grandway

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"Evie!" Devon said, standing up from the couch and walking over to the two girls. "I didn't know that you were coming over today!"

Evie just stood with her mouth slightly gaping. The prince was dressed in his usual, tight-fitting dress shirt and black pants. She couldn't stop her eyes from trailing over his toned torso.

"You're supposed to be in Grandway!" Tina hissed at her brother, ignoring the way that Evie looked over him.

"The flight got delayed," Devon answered shortly.

"We have private jets!" Tina exclaimed.

"Elianna had to use the restroom."

Tina paled and walked closer to her brother.

"Elianna's here?" She whispered.

Devon gave a sharp nod.

Evie watched the exchange in silence while she searched her memory. The name sounded so familiar but where had she heard it before?

Then, just as she was about to give up, a lightbulb went off in her head.

"The tea party!" Evie exclaimed.

Both royal siblings stared at her.

"The first time I came here, your mother was having a tea party with Princess Elianna and Prince Alexander."

"Yes," Devon confirmed. "Princess Elianna, the second in line to the throne of Grandway."

"Did... did Mother actually do it this time?" Tina asked.

Evie scrunched her eyebrows. Tina didn't let on what she was referring to and by looking at their faces, Evie concluded that now wasn't the time to ask.

"Yeah. Yeah, a little bit."

Tina rolled her eyes and practically fell onto her brother.

"I swear if she wasn't my mother that woman would be my enemy."

Evie's eyes widened.

"Always telling us what to do! I swear she's just jealous that she wasn't born into the family. Trying to control our lives! Lady, we are humans! Not puppets!"

Devon and Evie both took a step back from the raging princess.

"Calm down Nita-"

"Not now Devon! I can't believe the nerve of her! Trying to set you up with a girl! She barely knows the Grandway royals how could she!"

A sick feeling came to Evie's stomach and she was barely able to mumble an 'excuse me' before running to the bathroom. She dry heaved into the toilet, not noticing the young woman who was also in the room until she started rubbing circles onto her back.

"Shhh, shhh," The woman said. Her voice was sweet as honey but had a rasp to it that Evie found oddly comforting. "Are you ok honey?"

Evie finally released her iron grip on the toilet seat and turned to face her comforter. Her look of sadness and disgust quickly turned into one of shock.

"Princess Elianna!" Evie exclaimed, getting to her feet. "I'm so sorry-"

"Don't," The princess said to her. "You've done nothing wrong."

Evie looked at her feet and the two girls didn't say anything for a long time. Finally, Elianna cleared her throat and spoke, "I assume you heard about the grand plan to get us together?"

"Yeah," Evie said. "I mean I just think that it's crazy that your parents are trying to control your love life!"

Elianna smiled grimly.

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