Chapter 46- The Sisters' New Home

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Evie pulled her hair into a ponytail and slid on some sunglasses as she elegantly stepped out of Tina's car and began her walk towards the school. She rolled her eyes as four guards formed a box around her, blocking her from any onlookers. Tina and Devon stepped out next, each one surrounded by their own box of guards. However, when Evie sidestepped to be closer to Tina, the guards carefully moved out of the way so that the two friends could reach each other.

"Where did the guards come from?" Evie asked as the door to the school came nearer and nearer. "I thought we were trying to do this discreetly."

"They must've tracked the car," Tina replied. "Might be a good thing though, the staff will be forced to comply with us once they flash their badges."

Evie nodded and then focused her attention on the man to her left. Devon's form was still partially hidden by the guards but Evie could see the look of sheer determination on his face. Almost as if he could sense her looking at him, Devon glanced over and gave her a sharp nod.

Before she could respond in any way, Evie was positioned right in front of the doors of her old school.

"Go, Evie," Tina urged.

"No backing out now," Eve whispered to herself as she pulled open the door handle.

A wave of warmth fell over Evie as soon as she stepped into the school. Everything was familiar, the old class portraits hanging on the walls, the worn couches tightly packed into the entrance hall, even the musty carpet leading to the main office. Evie hesitated as she walked further into the school feeling like she was tracking her emotional mud into a clean home.  But, somehow, she made it to the door of the main office. She walked in with her shoulders square and an expression that hid her anxiety, or at least she hoped it did.

"Hi Andrea," Evie breathed, lifting her sunglasses up and smiling slightly at the woman.

"Evelyn?" The receptionist, Andrea, exclaimed. Her mouth dropped open in shock and her hand flew to her large bosom. "What in the world!"

Evie looked around sheepishly as the guards filed into the room and guarded the door. Tina and Devon entered next and Evie would've laughed at Andrea's expression if it had been any other situation. Tina pulled off her own pair of sunglasses as Devon walked in front of Evie.

"Hello miss. So sorry to inconvenience you but we need to retrieve Ella Delany immediately."

"What?" Andrea asked, trying to peer around Devon and look at Evie. "Evie, what's going on? This can't be real!"

Evie stepped forward and hesitantly placed one of her hands on Devon's broad shoulder.

"By order of the Lexian Royal Family, we need to take Ella out of class right away. Can you excuse her for the day?"

Devon coughed slightly and Evie sighed.

"Probably more than a day actually," Evie said, looking sadly at the woman.

Andrea smiled at the young girl even though her eyes betrayed her uncertainty and confusion.

"What in the world have you gotten yourself into this time, Evelyn Delany?" Andrea asked as she began typing on her computer. Evie let out a breathy, tense laugh and pushed a stray strand of hair out of her face.

"I don't even know, Andrea. I really don't know."

Within a few moments, Devon, Evie, and Tina were sprinting up the stairs to Ella's classroom. Two guards were already in front of them, one hand holding their official royal security pass and the other positioned right above their gun holster. The others were trailing behind the trio and blocking any classroom windows that looked into the hall.

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