Chapter 3- The Delivery

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The little bell rang as Evie ran into the bakery. She was late as usual and as she hurried to get her apron on, she hoped that Carla wouldn't notice that she hadn't been there.

"Delany! Late again!" Carla's voice screamed out.

"I'm so so so sorry Carla. Ella was being super lazy today and I couldn't get her out of the house and-"

"Just take this box from me would ya?" Carla said in a tired voice.

"Sure sure anything you want. And I really am sorry."

"Now I need you to take this box full of fancy pastries and bring it to the palace."

"Excuse me?"

"Some foreign royals came into town and the Queen herself ordered these cream puffs. She needs them by noon today and you know I don't drive."

"Wait. You want me, Evelyn, to bring pastries to the queen?"


"To the palace? The royal family."

"Goddammit Evie yes! Bring the pastries to the palace! Is it that hard?"

"No ma'am it's just that I've, uh, never really been asked to do something like this."

"Well another thing to check off your bucket list now can you please get a move on? It can be quite the drive if traffic is bad."

"Right. Yes ma'am I'll get these her as soon as I can."

Evie took the large box and balanced it on one hand as she stumbled into her car. She placed the box in the passenger seat and then took off at a steady pace. Traffic wasn't too bad but Evie took the long route just to give herself slightly more time before she reached the palace.

"Ok chill out Evie. You've got this. You might not even have to go in. Maybe a butler will come and take the box for you. Or maybe you'll have to go in and you'll fall on your face and the king will laugh and banish you to the dungeons and oh god I think I'm going to puke," Evie muttered to herself.

The large, steel gates of the palace loomed before her and before she knew it, she was checking in with a guard and the gates opened. The palace grounds were beautiful to say the least. Evie could feel her eyes widening and her jaw dropping as she slowly rolled into the driveway.

The driveway was long and weaved around several gardens that were jam packed with flora and fauna.

When she got closer to the actual entrance, she was astounded by a fountain that was the centerpiece of the circular driveway. The huge wooden doors were gaurded by four soldiers, two of which came up to the car.

Evie took a deep breath and then started to open the car door only to have the guard take hold of it and swing it open for her.

"What can we help you with today, miss?" The guard asked.

The second guard was extending his hand towards her now.

"Oh, um, well, if one of you could help me with these boxes that'd be wonderful," Evie said softy.

"Of course miss. Would you like us to take them up to the tea room?"

"Um is that where the queen will be having her, umm her friends?"

"Yes that is where her highness will be hosting the Prince and Princess of Grandway."

"Oh right. Then um yes I would appreciate it if you brought them up to the tea room."

Evie took the hand that the guard had offered and helped herself out of the car. She moved to the back of the car and took out the boxes full of sweets and handed them to the guard. Then she meekly trailed behind them as they gave a signal to the other guards to open the doors.

If the driveway gave her chills, the mere act of entering the palace made Evie feel like she had just been doused in ice water and shoved into the North Pole. Everything from the grand staircase to the neatly organized bouquet of flowers on the table was clean and polished. The floors were shining and the chandelier that hung above her was larger than she ever thought possible.

The guards stepped up the stairs in sync with Evie trailing behind them while holding the last box of cream puffs. There were portraits of the royal family on the wall that were set at the perfect level for Evie to view them as she walked up the stairs.

When she finally reached the top of the stairwell, Evie felt like she was about to faint. She could hear a twinkling laugh and then the clinking of glass against a table. And then a door in the opposite direction than she was heading opened and Evie froze on the spot.

"There you are Carlos! I have been waiting for these cream puffs forever!" A young female voice called.

Evie pivoted and she actually almost tripped on her feet when she saw who was standing in front of her.

"Good afternoon Princess Valentina," The guard, Carlos, said.

Oh my god.

A/N- Morning loves! How's your day going?
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