Chapter 45- The Drive

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The car was completely silent as the four friends drove to the palace. Evie was curled up against Devon in the backseat while Tina drove and Kennedy rapidly texted on her phone.

"Hey, Evs?" Kennedy said, breaking the tense silence. Evie's eyes moved to look at her friend but her head stayed on Devon's strong shoulder. "We need to figure out a plan for Ella."

"I never wanted her to get mixed up in this," Evie said, her voice hoarse from crying and screaming at Anthony. "I still don't."

"I know you don't Evie. But it's not safe for her to be alone and not know what's going on. As far as we know, paparazzi could be camping out in front of her school waiting to get a statement from her. And we can't risk her saying anything she shouldn't or worse, getting hurt by some of the more aggressive reporters," Tina said, her eyes never leaving the road.

Kennedy nodded and swiveled around in her seat to fully face her friend.

"Do you want me to go get her Evie? It'll be a little more discreet than sending a guard in."

"Or we could send a whole squad of our guards to make sure she gets to the palace safely?" Tina suggested.

"Why are we bringing her to the palace?" Evie asked, sitting up slightly but making sure that Devon's arm was still wrapped around her shoulders. "She's going to Sara's after school."

Kennedy and Devon shared a look before the former cleared his throat and awkwardly removed his arm from Evie's shoulders.

"Evie we were thinking that maybe you two could stay at the palace for a few days. Just until we  get things under control and maybe we can assign you and Ella some bodyguards-"

"Devon, it was my crazy ex-boyfriend. I mean sure this whole thing was scary as hell but he's in jail now. I don't understand what the big deal is," Evie said, her eyes widening as she shifted away from the prince.

"The big deal isn't the vengeful boyfriend Evelyn," Tina said, her voice harsh. "What's putting you in danger is the fact that those people in the bakery now think that you were Devon's girlfriend from the paper. That not only makes you interesting to reporters and curious civilians but it gives the board of advisers someone to blame for all the bad publicity that came when you two were together. If we don't take you, and Ella, to the palace, who knows who will reach you. If you're within palace walls, Devon and I can have eyes on you at all times and make sure that no one can talk to you unless we approve of it."

"I can handle a few uptight men in suits-"

"Don't you get it, Evie?" Tina exclaimed. "They won't just scold you and pat you on the hand! They'll force you to sign a contract that says you'll never speak to us again! If the board has their way, you'll have to make a statement that says you've never met Devon in your life before. This entire thing would be brushed off as Devon defending a random bakery worker."

"Do you, do you want that?" Devon asked his eyebrows scrunching together as he looked down at Evie. "If you do that, you'll never have to worry about Ella getting caught up in this drama. You can go back to your regular life and never have to worry about reporters or the board again."

Evie looked up at the hazel eyed boy and knew in her heart what her answer was. As much as she wanted to tell Tina to turn the car around, to drop her off at home and to never pull her into another scandal again, she couldn't. Evie knew that no matter who she met, no matter what she did or where she went she would never be able to forget about the prince and princess of Lexia.

And so she shook her head slowly, looked up with a determined look on her face and said, "Let's go get Ella. I'm not giving up my best friends without a fight."

A/N- Love you guys the most but I'm so tired so the author's note is going to be short today. Thank you for reading and commenting, it makes my day!


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