Chapter 15- The TV

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Ella opened her mouth to say something but Evie immediately shushed her causing the younger girl to throw an apple slice at her face.

"Ladies and Gentleman," King Jakob started, stepping up to the podium and smiling to the crowd. "As you know, there are many changes that will take place in the upcoming year. My only son, the heir to the throne, will begin his education in military school. This is the start of a new era my friends! In a little over ten years, you will have a new king! So now it is my pleasure to give this stage to my son, Crown Prince Devon, so he may talk to you about his plans."

The crowd went wild, cheering and screaming as Devon stood up from his seat and straightened his suit jacket. He raised a hand towards the crowd signaling for them to quiet down to which they immediately responded.

"Hello ladies and gentleman. I am overjoyed to be in front of you on this day. As my father already stated, I am going to be beginning the final stretch of my journey as your prince. As long as everything goes according to plan that is." Devon straightened his jacket once more before looking back out onto the crowd. "I understand that the transition between two leaders can be difficult and my job is to make it as easy as possible."

"Wait, Evie, what happens when Devon becomes king?" Ella whispered. "Will Princess Tina become the heir?"

"Yeah, but she'll probably never be queen. Now can I please listen to what he has to say?" Evie asked.

Ella rolled her eyes but went back to picking at her apple.

"-So on that note, I'm going to answer some of your questions," Devon said looking out into the crowd with his hands clasped in front of him.

He waited patiently while reporters fumbled around for their notepads and started standing up with their pens raised into the air.

"Yes!" Devon said pointing to someone in the crowd. "Hello Miss. What's your question?"

"Hello, Hello your highness. I was wondering if you had any plans to work on environmental concerns? Such as air pollution and water contamination,"

"I'm so glad you asked that!" Devon replied before offering the lady a detailed explanation of different ideas he was thinking about using.

Evie watched with her mouth parted slightly and her eyebrows scrunched together. She watched as Devon easily answered all of the questions that reporters and citizens were throwing at him. It went on like that without a hitch until one reporter, who Evie could only assume was sent by a gossip magazine, asked Devon a question about his love life.

Devon blushed slightly and cleared his throat before answering the question. Evie could see Tina barely concealing her laughter in the background.

"I am currently not in a relationship miss. Thank you for your question. Next?"

Devon happily moved on to what he thought was a question on a new topic. However, the person had other thoughts.

The man was standing very close to the stage that Devon was stationed on and because of the camera angle, Evie could only see the man's balding head.

"Are you not worried that you will not find someone to produce an heir with?"

Devon face became an entirely new color within seconds.

"Thank you for your concern sir. I'm sure my lovely sister will make an extraordinary Queen in the instance that I am unable to fulfill the position. And now I think it's time to wrap things up but thank you all for your questions and for coming out today. It means a lot and I look forward to becoming your king."

And with that Devon was escorted off stage by several security guards. The crowd continued to cheer as loud as it could and even Evie had to admit that the man had handled himself very well. Tina moved from her chair next, waving to several people and even pausing to have brief conversations with some of them.

Of course, Carlos and two other guards were surrounding her the whole time but Evie could see the smiles on both the citizens and Tina's face so she knew it didn't matter to them.

The King and Queen passed beside her for a minute, the latter bending down close to Tina's ear. Tina's smile faded for a moment but Evie figured that she was one of the only ones to notice.

Tina finished talking to the person that she had been engaged with and then waved to the camera one last time before she was fully surrounded by guards. The camera was suddenly redirected to the face of the reporter that had been talking before the conference started.

"And there you have it folks! The Lexian Royals have just left the scene. If you didn't catch the whole conference, you can find it on our website, Now, back to Jill,"

"Thank you Hilary. Now as we turn to our weather..."

The screen had now shifted to show a chart of the forecast for the week but Evie didn't get a chance to look at it because Ella was already switching the channel.

"Ella!" Evie exclaimed.

"Say Yes to the Dress first. You can look up the forecast later but Randy cannot wait," Ella said looking at her sister with a completely serious face.

"Fair enough," Evie said with a dramatic sigh. She smiled at her sister and set her bowl down on the coffee table in front of them.

Ella smiled at her sister and scooted closer leaning onto her sister's shoulder. Evie smiled down at her and waited for the new program to start. Soon enough, the sisters were commenting on the huge ballgown dresses that brides tried on.

After a few hours of watching brides twirl around in dresses worth thousands, Evie and Ella called it a day and returned to their bedrooms.

Evie immediately plugged her phone into the charger and went back to her desk. Cracking open a book, she began highlighting and annotating several pieces of text. After a few minutes of blissful silence, she heard the shower turn on and the unmistakable sound of her sister singing.

She just shook her head with a smile and went back to reading the book.

She eventually got tired and flicked the light switch off before heading to bed.

A/N- Hi guys! Sorry for the late upload but I just didn't have time to edit yesterday so I just ended up doing it today.

Anyway, I'm writing a super fun chapter right now so when chapter 20 comes up, just know you're in for a treat!

Alright I'm just going to publish this so I'll see you on Friday! Don't forget to comment and vote!

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