Chapter 6- The Prince

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"Devon this is my new friend Evelyn. She brought cream puffs from Carla's." Tina explained once she stopped hugging him.

"Evelyn, you say?" He said as he turned to face Evie.

She felt like her entire being was fluttering as he looked at her. His smirk showed just some of his perfectly white teeth.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, your highness," Evie said.

You've already met him you dummy!

"A pleasure to meet you as well Evelyn. Thank you for the pastries which I'm sure were delightful. Excuse my rude gesture but I have been on a plane all day and I wish for nothing other than a bit of sleep in my own bed. I hope you don't mind if I excuse myself?" He said.

"Of course not, your highness. It was a pleasure just to meet you," Evie said.

Oh my god could you be any nerdier? My god Evie he's a prince what are you saying? You sound like Kennedy.

"Thank you so much. It was a pleasure Evelyn. I assume you'll be at dinner Nita?" He said.

"Yeah see you later Dev," Tina said with a wave.

He smiled one last time and then, with guards walking in his wake, disappeared up the stairs.

"Nita?" Evie said with a smirk.

"Oh hush up," Tina said, rolling her eyes.

"Right. I really should go. It was a pleasure meeting you Princess Valentina," Evie said as she walked closer to the door.

"See you later Evelyn Delany. Don't forget to call whenever!" Tina said as Evie walked out of the door.

Evie hurried through the cool fall air and into her car where she sat in silence for a moment. Then, she started it up and drove out of the palaces magnificent driveway. People were staring at her car and screaming as she drove through the gates and somehow her eyes remained glued to her steering wheel.

Back at the bakery, Carla greeted her with a smile that Evie could only shakily return.

"Are you feeling ok Evie?" Carla asked.

"Oh yes, I'm doing ummm good," Evie said.

"Are you sure you look slightly pale."

"Oh yes well I just had tea with the QUEEN!" Evie whisper-screamed.

"Oh well, I hope you enjoyed yourself," Carla replied mildly as she went back to working the register. "I will excuse your lateness since you were dining with royalty."

"That's it Carla? Really?" Evie exclaimed as she tied her apron around her neck.

"Well yes I mean I am the one who sent you there I knew that it would lead to this."

"But why?"

"Well, I thought it would be funny to see your reaction," Carla said as she examined her long nails.

They looked at each other for a moment and then Carla burst into laughter.

"Oh Evie. I only sent you because Talia was sick! But, your reaction was amazing!"

"You're mad Carla!"

Evie cracked a smile and then made her way towards the back where a pile of dough was already waiting. She began by kneading it gently and then proceeded to viciously punch the dough. After it was deflated, she placed it back into the bowl and into the fridge. Then she started piping icing onto sugar cookies until the clock struck 2:30 and she was forced to hang up her apron.

"I'll be on time tomorrow Carla!" Evie yelled as she hung her apron in her cubby and then ran out the door.

Her car hummed slightly as she started it up and she groaned at the prospect of yet another mechanic payment. The roads were crowded as she made her way to the old school building but she managed to get there right as Ella came out of the door.

"Hey, El. How was school?" Evie asked as she pulled back out onto the main road.

"Ok I guess. Rick complimented my hair but then Ryan told me it looked like a fat piece of shit and then Harper said that it looked fine so I mean it was ok. And then Mrs. Wilson gave us a pop quiz about earthquakes and I couldn't remember what an epicenter was and also the school lunch was really bad today. I'm pretty sure hotdogs are not supposed to look like green toes."

"Well that sure sounds eventful," Evie said.

"Yeah I mean it was ok. And guess what? I told Sara that I could go to the mall on Saturday and she said that I could have a ride with her and her parents."

"Oh great. I think I might ask Carla to pick up an extra shift then."

Ella was silent for once.

"Evie, you know, I think it might be good for you to take that day off. Maybe you could go out with Kennedy again?" Ella said softly.

"El, I love working at the bakery."

"I know and I'm glad that you do it's just that ever since..." Ella hesitated. "Ever since we moved out on our own... you haven't been hanging out with your friends very much. And don't even say Kennedy because you only hang out with her at work."

"We need the money, Ella."

"I know. I'm just worried about you." Ella said softly.

"I'll be ok El but, if it really makes you that worried, I'll take Saturday off," Evie said after a pause.

"Good," Ella said with a smile.

"Now, how about we go to the store? I don't have anything ready for dinner."

A/N- Hey lovelies! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I really liked writing it.
Who's your favorite character so far?
On another note, I'm really excited to announce that I have entered this story in the Wammy awards!!! We'll see how that goes lol.
Thank you guys for your support and please don't forget to vote and comment because it makes me smile!
Have an amazing weekend,

 Thank you guys for your support and please don't forget to vote and comment because it makes me smile! Have an amazing weekend,-Maddie

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