Chapter 32- The Visit

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"So," Tina said, adjusting her large black sunglasses and running her fingers through her strawberry blonde wig. "I was thinking that maybe you could come over to the palace tomorrow?"

Evie looked incredulously at her.

"Come on Evie! It's been almost a month! And Devon shouldn't even be there on Saturday. He told me that he's leaving for Grandway tomorrow."

Evie shook her head.

"Come on Evie! Just for a little bit."

"Fine," Evie sighed. "Only for a little bit though! I have to take care of Ella."

"Yes! Ok, just come over whenever. The guards know your license plate, right?" Tina asked.

"Yes Tina," Evie said, rolling her eyes at the princess.

"I'm just checking!" Tina said defensively.

"Alright I've gotta get to class but I'll see you tomorrow right?"

"Yup. See you then." The two girls came to a fork in the road and Tina took a left turn while Evie kept on walking straight.

Evie shook her head with a chuckle as she saw Tina telling off one of her bodyguards for standing too close. With her backpack draped over one shoulder and a latte in her hand, Evie continued on her daily march to class. The class seemed to drag on for hours and by the time the professor was done with his lecture, Evie felt like her brain had been fried. The students walked out of the room like zombies.

Evie slowly made her way back over to her car and sighed. Ever since she had broken things off with Devon, her life had finally gone back to normal. But suddenly the daily routine that she had found to be so comforting was turning into a chore. Sit in class, go to work, go home, take care of Ella, go to sleep. It was like she was in a rigid, never-ending circle of life.

'But isn't this what you wanted?' She asked herself. 'Your life is finally back on track! This is what you need.'

Evie opened the car door and tossed her backpack onto the passenger seat, shaking her head at her internal argument with her subconscious. Her car started up with a put, put, put, that made Evie cringe but her expression quickly changed to panic when she realized the time.

"Shit!" She cursed, pressing her foot on the gas.

The familiar route passed in a blur as Evie sped down the streets. She only slowed down when the stoplights flashed a bright red. Conveniently, Evie pulled to a stop right in front of the royal palace.

Evie looked at the huge landmark and thought about all the people inside. Evie knew that Tina was probably still on campus, trying to escape the very place that so many stopped to look at every day. Devon was probably inside, surrounded by advisors and signing off on different documents.

Evie remembered when she asked him why he had to sign on all the papers. After all, he wasn't the king just yet. He had wrapped his arm around her and said, "They just want me to feel important."

She had smiled at him, leaned her head onto his chest and said, "You are important. To me anyway."

Evie was so lost in the memories that she didn't notice the persistent beeping coming from the car behind her until someone knocked on her window and flipped her off.

"Sorry!" She yelled and stomped her foot onto the gas pedal once more.

'Why can't you just stick to your routine Evie? Just stick to the god damn routine!'


Sunglasses. Check.

Hat. Check.

Box of cream puffs. Check.

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