Chapter 40- The Confession

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Tina glided through the halls as she showed the Delany sisters to her room. Evie was already familiar with most of the corridors that Tina lead them through but Ella grew more amazed with every step. Her brown eyes got impossibly wide as she took in the many wonders of the palace.

As they turned around the final corner, Tina spread her arms to showcase the grand door that leads to her wing.

"Welcome to my wing, Ella!" Tina said, pushing open the mahogany door to reveal the clean, slim hallway that gave the trio access to all of Tina's rooms.

The girls bypassed Tina's study, bathroom and drawing room. Instead, they veered towards the left and dove into the closet. Even Evie was a bit shocked when they walked into the room and found that a small, circular stage had been set up in the middle of the room. 5 women were gathered around the new addition and all except one bowed down as they entered the room.

The one seamstress who was left standing walked up to Tina and gave her a firm hug. The woman showed a level of comfort around the princess that rivaled anything Evie had ever seen. Her short plaid dress puffed out a bit as she gripped Tina tightly. Evie noted that while her face sported many thin wrinkles, her smile held a youthfulness that warmed up the room.

"Look at you!" The older woman exclaimed, releasing Tina from the hug but keeping a hold on her shoulders. "It's only been a few months since I last saw you and you've grown so much!"

"Has it really been that long?" Tina asked. "It feels like just yesterday you were here taking measurements for Elianna's party!"

"That was 6 months ago, honey. Now, who do we have here?"

Tina smiled broadly and moved aside so that the woman could have a clear view of their guests. Ella shifted her feet slightly, from nervousness or excitement Evie couldn't tell.

"Rena this is Evelyn Delany and her younger sister Ella. Evie, Ella, this is Rena Stevenson, the top designer for royals everywhere."

Rena blushed at the compliment and waved a dismissive hand at Tina.

"She's exaggerating. But, I do like to think that I can make a pretty killer dresses. Now, who am I dressing today?"

"Ella's birthday is coming up and she wants to impress a very special someone so, I was hoping that you could adjust some of my dresses to fit her?" Tina said before Evie could even open her mouth.

Rena ran her thoughtful brown eyes over Ella's small form before nodding and excitedly shaking each of their hands.

"You have a gorgeous build, Ella," Rena complimented earnestly. "And your clothes are very stylish for a girl your age. Do you and your sister shop a lot?"

"A lot of my clothes are Evie's hand me downs if I'm being honest. But sometimes I'll go to the mall with my friends."

"Well your sister was very fashion forward," Rena said, directing a compassionate gaze towards Evie who was anxiously watching the interaction. "Now, why don't you step up here so I can get some measurements."

Ella shot Evie a hesitant but excited smile and upon receiving an encouraging nod, she happily accepted the maid's help as she hopped onto the platform. At first, Evie was hesitant to leave. It was clear that Rena and her assistants were excited and more than capable of doing their job but Evie was nervous to leave her sister's safety in the hands of complete strangers.

But Tina was basically tugging on her sleeve with eagerness. So, after assuring a distracted Ella that she would only be a few doors down, Evie followed Tina into her bedroom.

"Are you going to tell me what was bothering you earlier?" Evie asked once Tina shut the door and ensured that her guards were out of hearing range.

Tina ran a hand through her hair with so much aggression that her wig popped off. She slammed it down onto her desk with frustration and then turned to Evie.

"It's complicated," She whispered finally.

"Yeah I assumed that much," Evie laughed.

Tina looked at her with glassy eyes and bit down on her lip slightly.

"I'm serious, Evie."

Evie furrowed her brow and sat down on Tina's bed, patting the seat next to her softly. Tina hesitantly made her way over and sat down as far away from Evie as possible.

"Hey," Evie said, her confusion was evident as she looked at her friend. "What's wrong? You can talk to me you know. Not even some boy could come between us."

Tina visibly flinched.

"Did I say something wrong? I thought you were having relationship problems. Is your boyfriend hurting you? Is that what this is about because I think Carlos would totally agree to punch him for you-"

"I don't have a boyfriend."

"Oh. Well, that's ok. I mean I don't either-"

"Evie shut up for a minute would you?" Tina said dryly.

Evie shut her mouth obediently.

"I like boys," Tina started quietly. "But I also like girls."

Evie's eyes widened a fraction as she whipped her head towards her friend.


"I haven't told anyone because I don't want it to get out to the press or something and I don't want to give mom yet another reason to be disappointed in me but, I just had to tell someone. I don't like keeping secrets from you because you're my best friend and I've never had one of those before and really don't want to mess it up. Please say that you're not upset," Tina said quickly, carefully avoiding Evie's curious gaze.

"Oh Tina," Evie said, scooting closer to her friend and wrapping her arms around her. "Of course I'm not upset. You're the same person aren't you?"

Tina sniffled and nodded against Evie's shoulder.

"Well, then you're still my best friend and the most amazing princess I've ever met."

"You've only ever met me and Elianna," Tina replied with a sniffle.

Evie chuckled, pulling Tina closer.

"Thank you, Evie," Tina whispered.

"No problem, Tina." 

A/N- This chapter meant a lot to me. I wrote it because I relate to it and I wanted to share that with you guys. 

Anyway, I may or may not have some exciting news coming up. I'm not completely sure if it's happening so I don't want to share anything right now but as soon as things are confirmed, I will let you know. 

Alright that's all for today! Don't forget to comment on this chapter and share it with your friends!

- Madeline

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