Chapter 41-

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Evie and Tina entered the dressing room a few minutes later. Wiping their teary eyes seemed to become a reflex and while they thought they were hiding their emotions well, it was clear that they had been crying.

"Evie!" Ella exclaimed from behind a curtain. "Evie wait until you see me! Is Princess Tina with you? I hope she thinks this looks ok on me."

"I'm sure it looks great," Tina shouted back, wincing when her voice cracked a bit.

"You ok, hun?" Rena asked, peeking her head out from behind the curtain.

"Fine," Tina said quietly. Evie wrapped an arm around her and smiled at Rena.

"We just had a talk about some recent events and Tina got a bit emotional. Do you think someone could get her a glass of water?"

Two of the maids immediately ran off to fulfill Evie's request. Rena still seemed doubtful but Evie sent her a disarming smile and lead Tina to a chair.

"Do you want me to call Devon or something?" Evie murmured, keeping her ear open for her sister.

Tina wiped her eye and took in a deep breath before sitting up straighter and shaking her hand. Her hands folded in her lap as she said, "No. He already knows. I'm fine."

"Just let me know if you need anything," Evie said softly as Ella emerged from behind a curtain.

Both Evie and Tina gasped simultaneously and completely forgot their earlier conversation when they laid eyes on Ella. The dress she had selected was one of Tina's personal favorites from her younger years. It was white with pastel pink flowers lining the side seams and a mesh sweetheart neckline. Rena had styled it with white wedge booties and a pale pink purse.

"Do I look ok?" Ella asked hesitantly gauging her sister's reaction. She ran her hands up her sides nervously and surveyed herself in the mirror again. "I mean I really like it but-"

"Ella, you look better in that dress than I did," Tina said bluntly. "If this kid doesn't beg you to go out with him as soon as he lays eyes on you, there's something wrong with him."

"You really think so?" Ella exclaimed, grinning at the princess.

"You look gorgeous Ella," Evie agreed. She cleared her throat, hesitant to say the other thing that was on her mind. She finally gave Ella a small smile and whispered, "You look just like mom."

Ella let out a small laugh and smiled.

"I know."

"It's a good thing," Evie assured her before clearing her throat and hurriedly changing the subject. After talking with Rena and Tina for a bit longer, Evie ushered her sister out of Tina's wing. Tina had insisted on walking them out but Evie assured her that she knew the way and after a lot of insistence, Tina sat back down to talk to Rena about her styling for an upcoming event. Evie led Ella through the halls, pausing every now and then to greet people that she recognized from her previous visits to the palace. She had just made the final turn into the entrance hall when a figure stepped in front of her, forcing her to stop.

Without even looking at the figure's face, Evie knew who it was. She heard her sister gasp and she could smell his familiar aftershave. Her lips were pursed before and her arms were crossed before the 'hello' even fell off his lips.

"Hey, Evie. I didn't know you were coming over today," Devon said, glancing down at Ella. Evie looked him in the eye and raised an eyebrow.

"Tina offered to give Ella one of her old dresses for her party tomorrow," Evie replied.

Devon opened his mouth to say something but Ella beat him to it.

"Oh my god. You're Prince Devon. You're seriously amazing!" Ella gushed.

"Well thank you," Devon said with a small smile. Evie would never admit that her heart fluttered when she saw him interacting with her sister.

"No, I mean seriously. Everything that you're planning to do about the environmental laws in Lexia is inspirational. I've been trying to find small ways to help out ever since I was young but the new laws that you're planning to put into place would really change so many things. Not to mention the equal rights laws that you want to instill will change the lives of so many people," Ella rambled as her sister and the prince watched on in fascination. Finally, she seemed to notice their stares and trailed off.

"Sorry, was I saying too much?" Ella asked weakly.

Devon shook his head immediately.

"I'm actually impressed that you're following the progress of all those laws. Most teenagers who meet me just want to know about what life is like inside the palace."

"Oh trust me, sir. You've got plenty of teens around Lexia who really care about the causes that you support. In fact, I've got a whole group of friends who would love to have a debate with you about the pros and cons of banning straws in public facilities."

"Really?" Devon asked, excitedly. "I would actually love to have a panel in the future with representation from all age groups so that I can get the most well-rounded opinions. Do you think they would be interested?"

"Oh more than interested!" Ella exclaimed. "I think they would actually faint on the spot if I told them that they might get the chance to talk to you about this."

"Well then, I'll contact your sister once I have a better plan but, thank you for being so interested in this Ella," Devon said, reaching his hand out for Ella to shake.

Ella beamed at her sister and then shook Devon's hand with enthusiasm.

"Ella, do you think you could wait by the door for me? It's right down there. I need to talk to Devon about something," Evie said, once she was sure that Ella had finished talking to Devon. Ella quirked a brow but nodded and silently walked over to the doors.

Devon casually strode over and rested his back against the wall next to Evie.

"Your sister is amazing," He said casually, looking straight ahead rather than at Evie.

"Your sister is too. That's why I need to talk to you."

Devon sighed and ran a hand through his curly hair.

"She told you didn't she," He said blankly.

"Yes, yes she did and I just want you to watch out for her ok? If something with your parents happens or if she ever needs somewhere stay-"

"No one is going to hurt her," Devon replied adamantly. "I'll commit social suicide to take the heat off of her or something."

Evie gave him a small smile.

"Just know that I'm here ok? For both of you."

Devon gave her a tight smile and then his eyes slid over to Ella.

"You better go," He said, nodding his head towards her.

Evie gave him one more awkward but reassuring smile before she hurried over to her sister and left the palace. 

A/N- Hi guys! I hope you enjoy this chapter and if you did, maybe consider sharing it with your friends or leaving a nice comment! 

The next chapter is going to be all about Ella's birthday party and then soon after that, I'm going to publish a very exciting chapter. 

It will be the start of the end if you know what I mean. 

Kind of bittersweet for me because I'm proud that I've written this whole book but, thinking about the fact that it's going to be over before the start of the new year is scary. Thank you all for being so supportive and I'll see you soon!


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