Chapter 24- The Text

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"So you're telling me that you have the Crown Prince's number in your phone and you haven't even texted him yet?" Kennedy exclaimed as she and Evie piped frosting onto some small sugar cookies.

"Well, what am I supposed to say? Hi Devon! I asked your sister for your number because I'm too scared to ask you for it in person and I really want to talk about our kiss?" Evie said. "That's a terrible conversation starter!"

"Well obviously don't say that! You have to be flirtatious and adorable!"

"You want me to flirt with the Prince?"

"Well, how else are you going to get him to ask you out?"

"I don't know. Just talking to him I guess?"

"Evie, have you forgotten who we're talking about here? Forget that he's a prince. Forget that he's had, like, the highest level of schooling ever. He is still a human male and so, he will need some pretty explicit signs that you're interested in him," Kennedy said, carefully plating the finished cookies.

"I really don't think that's necessary-"

"Girls? Have you finished those cookies yet? I want to put them out before the lunch rush starts," Carla said, coming into the kitchen and walking over to her employees.

"Yup! Just finished Carla. Do you need help displaying them?" Kennedy asked.

"That would be great thank you, dear."

"I've actually got to head out. Afternoon class today. I'll see you tomorrow Carla!" Evie said, hanging up her apron and making her way out of the kitchen.

"This conversation isn't over Evelyn!" Kennedy called out to her.

"Bye Kennedy!"

Evie quickly shrugged a coat on and walked out of the bakery. Her leather car seat felt frozen when she sat down and she shivered and quickly put the heat on. The old car gave a groan of annoyance as the warm air started flowing out of the vents. Evie just prayed that it would be able to keep her warm all winter.

The campus was relatively quiet when she arrived; most classes would've been underway by now but Evie's professor was never one to go with the crowds. She slipped in and sat in a seat that was in the middle row of the room. She got all of her supplies out and then watched as the other students entered the room. With December right around the corner, most of the kids had found someone that they considered at least a close acquaintance.

There were the Starbucks girls who had that perfect vanilla bean frappuccino in hand for every class, a small group of boys who were probably hungover and even a couple adults who were probably discussing the newest housewife scandal.

And yet Evie had no one sitting near her.

Luckily, Evie didn't have to dwell on her loneliness for very long because the professor soon strutted into the room, carrying a clipboard and a bright purple water bottle.

"Welcome back to psychology!"

Evie turned to the front and quickly tucked her phone under her leg. The professor's cheerful and high-pitched voice held the class' attention and before she knew it, Evie was had already taken a page of notes and class was half over.

And then her phone vibrated.

Devon: How would you like to grab dinner tonight? My treat.


"What do I do Kennedy?" Evie screamed into her phone.

Her belongings were haphazardly thrown around her living room and her usually tidy appearance had been replaced by disheveled hair and wrinkled clothes.

"What do you think you do?" Kennedy screamed back. "You literally just told me this morning that you wanted to kiss him!"

"I kissed him once, in his room where no one could see us. If I go out in public with him, anyone could see us! People will see us! And I still haven't told Tina! Or Ella for that matter."

"So? He's asking you out! He wants you!"

"Kennedy, I just, I'm not-"

"Nope," Kennedy interrupted. "I am not letting you ruin this for yourself. I'll be there in ten."

"Don't you a class in, like, 20 minutes?"

"This is way more interesting," Kennedy said. "Alright, I'm getting in the car. I'll see you in a few, k?"

"Bye Kennedy."

Evie pulled the phone away from her ear and then flopped back onto the couch. Ella wasn't supposed to be home for another couple hours so the apartment felt very empty and seeing all her clutter on the floor didn't make Evie feel any better.

Luckily, she didn't have to stare at her mess for very long because as promised, Kennedy barged through the door 5 minutes later holding two coffees and a slice of apple pie.

"What happened here?" Kennedy asked, kicking the door closed.

"I panicked!" Evie said, taking the coffee from Kennedy. "I just got home from class and I don't know what to say and-"

"Wait, you haven't responded yet!?"

"I thought you already knew that!" Evie yelled, quickly downing the entire coffee cup.

"Alright well hand me your phone."


"Evie," Kennedy said, her tone leaving no room for excuses.

With a sigh, Evie picked up her phone and placed it in Kennedy's outstretched hand. Kennedy raised a brow and then, after a few quick taps, handed the phone back to Evie.

"There. Now he's picking you up at 6."

"What!" Evie exclaimed, scrolling through the text with her eyes wide. "But El has to get picked up from Sierra's tonight-"

"I've got it. I'll take care of El ok? You just focus on yourself."

"Ok, but what am I going to wear?"

"We'll figure it out. Now come on!" Kennedy said, pushing Evie towards her bedroom. "We've got to get you ready!"

After a lot of protesting, and plenty of struggling from Kennedy, Evie finally looked presentable again.

Her long brown hair was twisted up into a bun and her makeup had been retouched to make her features pop. She was wearing an off the shoulder black dress that Kennedy claimed she had just happened to leave in her car and the short, black heels that Tina had given her.

"You look gorgeous girl!" Kennedy said, admiring her hard work.

"Are you sure?" Evie asked, fidgeting in her heels.

"Of course I'm sure! Now, we've got about an hour until Devon comes. Why don't we clean up a little?"

Evie nodded and began by picking up all of the things that she had thrown onto the ground upon her arrival from school while Kennedy started doing dishes. Soon enough, the two friends had cleaned up the apartment and Evie was back to worrying about her date.

"You've got this Evie! Now he should be here any-"

And then the doorbell rang.

A/N- Hi guys! How's your day going? Today is my last day of school for the year so I'm pretty excited!

What are you guys looking forward to the most this summer? I know I'm excited to finally have more time to write!

Anyways, whether you're already on vacation or you're stuck in school, I hope you enjoy this chapter and I'll see you on Monday!

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