Chapter 30- The Fight

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"Alright, Evie. I know that you just want to hide under your bed right now but, it's my duty as your best friend to make sure you don't rot away because of a breakup," Tina said.

She stood up and looked at Evie expectantly.

"Come one, we can go shopping or get a coffee but I need you to get your ass off of the couch."

"Let me have my pity party," Evie whined, pulling the blankets closer to her.

"We've been sitting here for hours Evie! Come on, let's go get some makeup on you and I'll do your hair and then we're going to Carla's to get a slice of pie," Kennedy insisted, grabbing Eve's wrists and pulling her up.

Evie groaned as she got up and Kennedy almost dropped her right back on the couch. Her hair was messy since she hadn't brushed it and her eyes resembled those of a raccoon.

"Alright. Now let's go put your hair up, ok?"

Evie nodded sluggishly and followed Kennedy to her bedroom where she slumped onto her desk chair. Kennedy went into the bathroom and came back out with a brush and a glass of water.

"Drink this please, I don't need you to be dehydrated," Kennedy muttered, sliding the cup over to Evie.

She started to gently brush Evie's hair, cringing silently whenever she would find a knot. After everything was smooth, Kennedy expertly twisted the thick locks into a high ponytail. Then she spun the chair around and waited for Evie's reaction.

"Thank you, Kennedy," Evie murmured. "I actually look alive."

"I know," Kennedy said smugly. "Now how about we head over to Carla's for a slice of pie?"

"Sounds good," Evie said, shooting her friend a small smile.


As the days went by, Evie got over the initial shock of dumping the prince.

'Can it even be called dumping him if we were never technically together?' Evie wondered. 'I mean we never called ourselves boyfriend and girlfriend. So does that mean it's just friends drifting apart?'

And so she came to the conclusion she hadn't dumped him. She was merely distancing herself from a friend. Or at least that's what she told herself.

However, even though she felt convinced that she hadn't broken his heart, Evie couldn't help but miss the eldest royal child. Two days after the tearful scene in the garden, Evie found the rose that Devon had given her under the pile of garbage in her room. The petals on the outside had shriveled up and fallen off but, some of the inner petals were still bright red.

Now, it was stalking her from its place on her dresser. Evie was unable to decide whether to throw it away or find a vase to place it in. And although it gave her room quite a vintage vibe, having the rose on her dresser was proving to be slightly problematic. Every time she passed it, all she could see were his hazel eyes gazing directly into hers.

And it wasn't only the rose. Sometimes when she passed through the frozen section of the local grocery store, she would find herself staring at the salmon longingly while thinking about her first public date with the prince. Or when she passed by people on campus and heard them questioning what really happened to the prince's girlfriend. On that occasion, the people had been sitting right behind her so she took the liberty of telling them to "mind their own fucking business and quit meddling in the bloody prince's love life." They shut up pretty quickly.

However, when Ella started asking questions, Evie couldn't exactly say the same thing. So she resorted to trying to avoid her sister. She would pick up extra shifts, telling Carla that she needed to work more to pay the bills which, to her credit, wasn't completely false. And when she wasn't working, she would hole herself up in her room and only come out to quickly eat dinner.

She pretended that she didn't notice the looks of concern and curiosity etched on Ella's face. However, about a week after her 'breakup' Ella finally said something to Evie's face.

"Hey, Evie?" She started, nervously twirling a piece of her brown hair around her finger. "Is everything ok? I, umm, I noticed that you were spending a lot of time in your room."

"I'm fine El," Evie assured her with a tight smile. She was leaning on the kitchen counter and looking through their pile of mail.

"Ok well, umm, maybe we could watch a little bit of Say Yes To The Dress tonight? We haven't seen an episode in a while-"

"I'm actually going to go to bed early tonight El," Evie threw the stack of letters and bills onto the counter and started walking away.

"Did I do something wrong?" Ella yelled. Evie stopped in her tracks. "You've been avoiding me like the plague for the last week Ev! What's wrong? Did I mess something up?"

"It's not like that Ella-" Evie turned to face her sister.

"Oh, so the fact that you broke up with Prince Devon is causing you to forget about your sister?" Ella stalked towards her sister and Evie's eyes widened. "I'm not stupid Evie! Just because you won't tell me what happened between you two, doesn't mean I won't find out from someone else."

"It's not like that Ella-"

"You haven't spent any time with me for the past week!"

"You're not the only person in my life!" Evie suddenly screamed. Her sister backed down immediately but Evie couldn't find it in herself to calm down. "I need to take care of myself too Ella! And it's been a rough week and honestly, I just need some peace and quiet-" Evie trailed off as Ella's slender frame crashed into hers.

"I'm sorry," Ella whispered.

"You didn't do anything wrong El!" Evie exclaimed, wrapping her arms around the other girl.

"I was selfish." Ella looked up at her older sister. "I should've just left you alone and stayed quiet and-"

"No. I was selfish too. I shouldn't have pushed you away."

"Well then let's call it even ok?"

"Sounds good." Evie released her younger sister and smiled. "Now how about we watch that Say Yes To The Dress episode? I need a good dose of Randy."

A/N- Hi guys! I hope your weekend was great! I'm super tired so I'm going to go now but have an awesome week!

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