Chapter 17- The Friends

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"Excuse me?" Kennedy whispered, clutching at her apron.

"Works everytime," Tina said shooting Evie a smile. "You must be Kennedy. Evie's told me a lot about you."

"Evie?" Kennedy whispered. Then, she straightened up and sent Tina a smile. "I'm sorry. Who are you again? I must have misheard."

Tina looked at Evie with amusement twinkling in her eyes and the outline of a smirk playing on her lips.

"Sorry love. Didn't mean to startle you. I'm Princess Valentina but, you can just call me Tina."

"Oh my god."

Kennedy looked at Evie with her eyes wide with shock and her mouth opening and closing like a fish. Evie just gave her a lopsided smile and shrugged.



The door to the backroom slammed loudly as Evie was shoved up against a wall by Kennedy.

"You befriended the mother fucking Princess of our country and you didn't bother to tell me!?" Kennedy exclaimed once the heavy door shut behind them.

"Sorry?" Evie said weakly.


"Oh my god Evie I'm supposed to be your best friend! How could you not think to mention something like this?"

"I thought about it I just didn't think it would be a very good idea," Evie said. "I didn't want you to do something like this!"

"There is a princess outside this door and you expect me to not be freaking out?"

"She's my friend Kennedy!"

"Oh, so you think that the princess being your friend makes it better?"

"Well, maybe? I don't know!"

"Evie my role model is standing outside of this door. Do you know how many hours my high school-self spent watching video after video on how to look like her? How many interviews I've watched?"

"Well duh! I watched some of them with you! Not to mention you talk about the royal family every day during our lunch break."

"I can't believe you're not going through cardiac arrest right now."

"She's just like us Kennedy!" Eve exclaimed. "She goes to college, she has a family and she just wants to get through her day without any drama. So can you calm yourself for a little bit and let me out of this stupid closet?"

Kennedy huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. Her teeth snapped together as she tapped her foot slightly.

"Fine. But don't you dare think you are off the hook, Evelyn. I want the full story later."

"Deal. Now can you please open the door?"

Kennedy turned and pushed on the door handle rather aggressively before holding open the door for Evie.

"Oh good, you came back!" Tina said as they stepped out. "I was worried that you had left out of a back door."

"Sorry about that Tina. This is my friend Kennedy. She's been a supporter of your family for a long time so I think seeing you in person made her a bit...erm excited," Evie said dusting herself off.

"Happy to meet you, Kennedy. Sorry for startling you. I got a bit excited as well I suppose."

"It's an honor, Princess Valentina. You don't know how many times I've dreamed of meeting you," Kennedy said as she stepped forward so curtsy in front of Tina.

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