- 𝙴𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗

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As the nearing of Stannis Baratheon became known to the royal Lannisters, they had to make sure to properly protect this city. Yet, there was no one in King's Landing who had any experience regarding battle. The city seemed to be doomed. No one would know how to fight Stannis Baratheon, a seasoned commander of battle. No one but Cassius. From a young age he had been taught the art of war, battle and war tactics and strategies. Even then, he had never once fought an actual battle, only struck down small rebellions that failed to even make history books. The way he would handle the nearing Baratheon, that would be the battle he would be most known for.

Grandmaester Ferdinand, Chapter X of The Raging Lion, King of Kings.


       CASSIUS SIGHED DEEPLY AS HE SAT WITH BOTH TYRION AND BRONN. They were trying their best to set up a proper plan of attack, but it proved rather hard with Tyrion believing he can find a proper tactic in an old book. Bronn seemed to think the same, not even paying attention and instead cleaning his nails, making Cassius look at him with disgust ever so often.

       He quite liked Bronn, he was direct and didn't take anyone's shit. But there were times where he was incredibly annoying, or just downright so bad that Cassius could cut his throat if he had the chance.

       "Do you have to do that here?" Tyrion asked Bronn, Cassius not bothering to pay attention to the rest.

       Instead he started thinking for himself as to what they could do. Tyrion wouldn't be much help. He was smart, incredibly smart, but knew little to nothing about warfare. Bronn would be useful to plan with, but was being distracted by Tyrion and his currently useless talk.

       Stannis knew King's Landing inside out, which meant that he knew exactly where the walls and gates would be strongest and weakest. Seeing as he has a fleet with him, it would mean that he would come from the water.

       Cassius took a map of King's Landing from Tyrion's desk, who didn't even bother look at what he was doing. Cassius rolled it open on Tyrion's desk, keeping it from closing by putting down a book on it. He started scanning the map, looking for the weakest gate close to the water.

       "Mud Gate..." He whispered to himself, picking up some charcoal on Tyrion's desk and circling the gate.

       The gears in Cassius head started turning as slowly his plan started forming in his head.

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