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The Battle for Casterly Rock was short, and gruesome. Hundreds — perhaps even thousands had lost their lives. But from death, springs new life, and so new beginnings. Here too, the lords on the battlefield were granted their second chances. One lord in particular, the noble yet foolish Young Wolf, Robb Stark. He had lost his battle, but he had done so with honour. He knew when to put down his sword, and he had taken the road of wisdom and security. Now, he was born anew as the rightful lord of Winterfell and the Warden of the North. And eventually, he would rise to become one of Cassius's most influential and faithful lords.

Grandmaester Ferdinand, Chapter XX of The Raging Lion, King of Kings.


       BURNED ASHES WERE ALL THAT WERE LEFT OF THE ONCE VALIANT KNIGHTS. Bone fragments lay mixed in the ashes, waiting to be buried along the Rocky Hills, were all knights would spend their days watching over Casterly Rock at the edge of the sea.

The burned wood was still smouldering as Cassius sat just before it, eyes downcast upon the remains of his men. They had fought and died for him just like they had sworn, and for that the Lannister could not be more grateful. The men that had been called upon from all corners of Westeros had already begun to pack their belongings as soon as the fire had started burning, eager to get back home but honourable to stay long enough until the Septon had read all the holy scriptures of the Seven.

Cassius had already ordered Giedrick to pack their own belongings as well. The young knight was just as eager to get back to King's Landing, if only it was to see Sansa again. Giedrick was sure the Northern girl missed him, just as much as he missed her. Daniel — despite wishing to — would not travel with the Lannister armada. Instead he would travel back to the Stormlands and prepare himself for the plan Cassius had created to get Sansa Stark safely out of King's Landing, without his sister getting on her trail and kill the young girl, like she so desperately wished to.

When Cassius first told Daniel of the plan, he was understandably angry. He had expected he would travel with Cassius and his men back to King's Landing, where he would finally be reunited with his wife and two children. But now, he had to wait even longer to save another Stark sister. Of course, he would do whatever it was that Cassius commanded of him, but that did not mean he wasn't slightly annoyed with the Lannister.

Robb Stark, Catelyn Stark, Arya Stark and Talisa Stark would ride with him, for as soon as Sansa had been saved, the two lords would form a plan to take back Winterfell together from the Boltons. Robb was of course delighted with the plans that Cassius had formed, and was eager to ride to Mistwood as fast as he could, despite the injuries he still had.

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