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Despite the many places Cassius Lannister visited in his lifetime, Casterly Rock would always be his home. It was the place he grew up in when he was a babe, and the place to which he returned whenever he could. It was. The place he would bring his children to, and his best of friends and most trusted allies. How could he not show off the grand castle in which he grew up, when it was the seat of House Lannister itself? It's gleaming stone and marble walls, and the many tapestries that lined the wall showing off the history of the richest House in all of Westeros. Casterly Rock was — and still is — one of the scarce beauties of the West, one that should be treasured for all years to come.

Grandmaester Ferdinand, Chapter XX of The Raging Lion, King of Kings.


SEEING CASTERLY ROCK AFTER THREE YEARS, WAS A SENSATION CASSIUS AND GIEDRICK WOULD NEVER FORGET. The intricate carved walls, watchtowers and keep merging together with the large rock on which it was built was more beautiful than any place he had ever seen. Casterly Rock was home, King's Landing would never be that. The velvet Lannister banners hung high from the thick stone walls, showing all those outside the walls who ruled over the Westerlands. No other banner would hang here but the rearing golden lion on a field of crimson.

       The Lion's Mouth seemed to be bigger than it was before, the large opening lightened by hundreds of torches that hung from the smoothened walls that had been carved from the Rock. He and his army would not pass through it before they would be allowed. For that to happen, they had to wait for riders from the other side to come. He hoped it would not last for too long. His entire body felt like it was on fire, Cassius was sure the feeling was shared among the forty thousand men that rode with him.

       In Lannisport, he had been greeted with open arms. But there the people could see him well enough from the back of his horse. His helm he had taken off, knowing that he would be safe while travelling through the large city. They cheered for the men that were riding through their city to make their way to the Rock. Here they would not be treated the same way, not until they knew who had come to stand before their gates.

       His eyes tightened when he could see shadows cast upon the hollowed out cavern. It seemed his aunt wished to get rid of the large army that had appeared before her keep as soon as possible. He did not blame her for presuming them to be enemies, it was a dangerous time. Armies and bandits were scattered all across the land and Casterly Rock was filled with desirable riches, riches that would be wanted by any person who had a strong enough army to acquire them. Genna had to do whatever she could to keep the seat of her House safe, the best way to do so was to conclude anyone outside those walls to be enemies.

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