- 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚢-𝚃𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎

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The relationship between Tywin Lannister and his daughter Cersei had always been strained. A father more occupied with his sons and a daughter who wished nothing more than to be a part of that group, a part of the men that would be raised to fight, to conquer and to lead. But with Cassius's sudden disappearance after his own wedding to the Princess of Dorne. In the years that passed since his birth the hate she harboured for him diminished, and turned into the love a sister should harbour for her younger brother. Though her concern came out of nowhere, and caused suspicion around many, including Margaery Tyrell and Arianne Martell. They were not quick to brush this suspicion aside, the way they should have done.

Grandmaester Ferdinand, Chapter XX of The Raging Lion, King of Kings.


       THE ATMOSPHERE WAS GRIM IN CASTERLY ROCK. As soon as Robb had made his silent declaration of war, Cassius and his men — together with Catelyn, Arya and Talisa — raced back to the den of the lions. Cassius had offered for the three Starks to stay with Robb, both to ease him up and perhaps comfort him, but they had denied. Even they realised that this battle could not be won by Robb and his men. Which did not come as a surprise, seeing as they to could spot the almost outrageous amount of men Cassius had rallied together to defeat Robb Stark.

       The result of the negotiations was expected, still Cassius had a lump in his throat as he rode through the five gates that held Casterly Rock safe from outsiders and enemies. As soon as he had arrived, he handed his horse off to a stableboy and strode right inside the keep.

Cassius Lannister had to be alone, they knew. Maybe to brood, or let out his anger on the comforts of his chamber, maybe to just sit or perhaps he just needed some well deserved sleep. So, no one followed after him. Not even Minerva, who was concerned for her father. She was held back by Daniel, who's dark and downcast expression told her enough.

Whatever was happening next was not good, and would require Cassius's utmost focus.

Inside his chamber, Cassius rid himself only of his helm before he slumped down into an armchair with a goblet of water in his hand. The thoughts inside his mind could not, and would not stop. Should he have done more? Could he even have done more? What if all he had planned would fail, and he would fail his father and the kingdom?

For a moment it all seemed to be too much. From the table beside him he took his dagger in his hand, and twirled it in his hands. Immediately he grimaced at what he wished to do to himself.

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