Y/N's Arrival

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My brother slowly opens the door. I smile brightly. "Y/n!" He cries. We run towards each other and hug happily. "I'm so glad you are back! You missed my marriage to Peggy Schuyler" He frowns.
"Oops. Sorry about that. I just got back though! Can I..come in?" I ask. John pushes his hair back. "Oh yeah!" He replies walking inside and beckoning me over. I walk inside the house. It's beautiful. A lady who I presume is Peggy is sitting on the couch. "Peggy, this is my sister. Her name is Y/n." He says. "Hey!" She smiles. "Is it okay if she stays with us for a little?"asks John anxiously.
"Of course!" She replies. I spin around excited. "Yay thank you! You are Peggy. Right?"
She rolls her eyes and laughs. "Yes. I am Peggy." John walks towards the stairs. "Okay. Uh..I'll show you your room then?" I walk over to him. "Oh! Yes. Yes of course"
"Race you upstairs!" He yells as he runs up laughing.
Squealing, I run after him. "John! I wasn't ready!" John stops as he reached the top and shouts "I WON!!" I frown and fold my arms. "Only cause I wasn't ready! You cheater." He laughs and walks towards the room on the left of the hall. "This is your room." He tells me. I walk in excited. It looks small but cozy. A small red bed is set up against the wall in the middle and there is a small silver lamp set up next to it. At the front there is a wide desk with some drawers under it. I point to it and say "I presume that's where I put my clothes and stuff?" I say happily. "Mhm!" He replies. I nod in thought. "Alright then. You can just go downstairs if you want while I get settled. "Okay. Have a good time little sis!"
"You too." I reply joyfully.

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