Chapter Nine

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The music was simply background noise. I wasn't enjoying it or the company of my companions for tonight. Cam was staying at a friend's so I knew she was good. James was eagerly waiting for Edward and Kailee to show while my twin was currently failing at noticing the girl at the bar. She was the same girl who he'd been into since high school, but was always too chicken to do anything about it.

My attention was stuck outside on the three teenagers across the street. Since the two drug dealers were caught, things had slowed down a bit. There was nothing to go on from there. It was simply a waiting game but it left this bitter feeling inside of me. Maybe I was being paranoid but I knew better. I heard two familiar voices but my eyes stayed glued across the street. I was waiting for something to happen. I just didn't know what.

"Hi." Her soft, angelic voice was heard. I knew it was directed at me so I teared my eyes away from my view.

"Hey," I took in her look. A fitted, deep blue dress that hugged her perfectly. Her soft curls down her back and minimum make up that she didn't need. "You look gorgeous." I said honestly.

I was rewarded with a smile. "Thank you, so do you."

I turned my head to the window once again. The three boys were gone now. I sighed and drank my root beer. I wasn't feeling alcohol tonight. I could feel her eyes on me but I didn't dare look up.

"Ryan is so bad at flirting." James said with a laugh.

I followed everyone's line of sight and there my brother was. You could see his crimson cheeks and he was rocking on his heels. It was a nervous habit he always had. He was trying to talk to that same girl, but wasn't doing so great.

I kicked James under the table to get his attention. "Go help him out."

"Why me? You go, he's your brother." He retorted.

"I don't wanna get up, you go." I replied and Kailee's small chuckle made me look at her.

James scowled but got up anyway. The three of us watched as James walked up to them and started talking to the girl. I didn't think my brother's face could be redder at this point. They exchanged words for a while and made their way back to us.

"Ryan, has a date tomorrow night." James slapped his back.

"I had that. I didn't need the help." Ryan grumbled and sat.

"That was painful to watch even from all the way here." Edward laughed, his arm around Kailee.

"There's nothing wrong with him being a little shy. Some girls like that." I defended my brother a bit harshly.

"I didn't mean any offense." He furrowed his brow.

I didn't say anything and looked outside again. They continued to talk about whatever while I seethed silently. Maybe I was jealous he got to touch her when I couldn't. Jealous that she always smiled and laughed at his dumb jokes like she was right now. The idiot wasn't even funny.

I got up and made my way to the bar. They didn't even notice I left. Sitting my ass down, I ordered a rum and coke. The sudden urge to drink came like a freight train.

Just as my drink came, someone sat beside me. "Hey there, gorgeous." A female voice said.

I glanced her and then back to my drink. "Hi."

"What's a girl like you doing all by herself?" Her hand trailed up my arm.

"I'm not alone." I simply replied.

"Oh?" She scooted closer. "Wanna have a quickie? I've heard about your not so little friend."

I turned my body to her fully. She was good-looking but I didn't feel it. My eyes drifted past her to our table. Alluring amber eyes stared directly at me and I internally melted at the way she gazed at me. I held eye contact with Kailee just for a few more seconds before looking back at the stranger.

"Nope. I'm good." She got the hint and left me alone. I had my one drink and then switched back to root beer.

The night went on and we all took chances in singing. James and Ryan sucked and I laughed my ass off at the off key singing. Stupid Edward and Kailee sang together and it pains me to admit it. They sang the duet for 'You are the reason' and the guy had one of the most harmonious voices I had ever heard. Her soft, dulcet voice complimented his perfectly, singing in perfect sync. I slumped down and pouted. I didn't want to sing now.

"That was just amazing." James cheered and gave Edward a kiss.

"Your turn, Riv." My brother pointed out.

I shook my head. "Nah, another time."

"What? Why not?" James asked with a frown. "You like singing."

I shrugged and listened to the next horrible singer.

I felt down for some reason. I wasn't a sad person, I always preferred to look at the bright side of things. It was the reason I always goofed off so much, I liked making people laugh. Sure, I pissed them off most of the time but I had to get my own laugh in some way.

"Why won't you sing?" Kailee asked, sitting next to me after we were left alone.

"After you did? Why would I embarrass myself like that." I smirked.

Her smile really was a beautiful sight. "I want to hear your voice."

I shook my hand in the negative. "Nope."

She tilted her head as she observed me, her light amber eyes squinted in concentration. I sat there allowing myself to bask in her presence. Her perfume filled my nostrils and I almost leaned in for a better smell. It was enticing, everything about this woman was. From her eyes to her smile, her melodic laughter and the confidence that radiated off of her. She was going to be the death of me and I'd only known her for a couple of months now.

"There's something I wanted to talk to you about." She finally spoke.

I snapped out of my gawking. "Okay."

She breathed in and out before speaking. "I know that I said I wouldn't date you but," she paused. "I was actually wondering if you'd like to go out with me?"

Say what?

"You," I pointed a finger to her. "Want to go out with me?" I pointed to myself.

She nodded. "Yes, but I'd like to take it slow if that's alright."

My smile couldn't be bigger. "We can go as slow as you'd like!" I said too loudly, gaining some attention from around us. I couldn't contain my excitement. "Sorry, I got excited." I could feel my face heating up.

She chuckled. "You're cute, River."

"Thanks." My grin was very much still in place. "So tomorrow? I have an early shift so we can have dinner and then something else. Movie, do you want to see a movie or are you a walk in the park kinda girl? Do you like fancy or simple?" I spoke in one breath.

Kailee laughed and placed her hand on my bare arm. "River, relax. It doesn't matter, I just want to get to know you." Her one simple touch was making my body tingle in delight. Her hand was so fucking soft.

"Okay, I'll make it good." I promised.

She giggled and the sound pleased my ear. "I'll hold you to it."


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