Chapter Forty Six

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Three weeks into therapy and I still couldn't remember everything. All I got was flashes of what happened, nothing that actually made sense. Kailee had been nothing but supportive through it all and even though her bruises faded, it was imprinted into my brain. The only way I could forgive myself for hurting her, was to be worthy of her love. And I wouldn't be worth it if I didn't get better.

Too terrified to sleep, I stayed up all night. I refused to risk having another nightmare and putting her in danger. I offered to sleep in another room but she wasn't having it and demanded, and I quote 'keep your ass right here'. My eyes took in her sleeping form. Curly hair a mess, arms gripping tightly around my torso as though scared I'd disappear. Her full lips were jutted out in a small pout, a leg thrown over me. I looked down at her growing stomach, still in awe that our baby resided in there.

We're having a baby.

"The very definition of ethereal." I mumbled softly.

After ten minutes of staring at her, I carefully untangled myself and replaced my body with a pillow. She'd appreciated some breakfast, considering her increase in food intake. She still couldn't beat me though, I ate enough for three. Although right now, my appetite seemed to be non existent. Lexi was jumping up and down, barking towards the yard. Not wanting to wake Kailee up just yet, I let her out.

I made some eggs, bacon and oats, together with some herbal tea. I intended to take it up to her but her sleepy body stumbled into the kitchen. Rubbing her eyes, she came up behind me to lean her full weight on my back.

"I hate waking up without you." She mumbled, cheeks nuzzling my back.

"Well, I wanted to feed you." I said, making her plate.

"I would've been fine being fed something else." She grumbled.

My cheeks heated at her innuendo. "Don't start. Here." I moved so she could get her food.

She sat down with a smirk. "Did you go shy on me, baby?" She teased, shoving some eggs in her mouth.

"You get dicked down once, and now you're insatiable." I playfully rolled my eyes.

She cocked her head to the side, eyeing me. "You got around a lot, huh?"

My hand stopped midway, just before I could drink my coffee. "W-what?"

"How many?" She squinted her eyes. "To be that good, you had to have plenty of practice." She leaned on her elbows, her voice a soft but challenging tone. "So?"

"I see I didn' didn't exist to me then." I muttered looking down, feeling ashamed of my past.

"I see, that much." She resumed eating.

I kept quiet, sipping on my coffee as she ate in silence. Am I in trouble? I could definitely be in trouble. It would be ridiculous to be mad at me for that, I didn't know her then. But then again she's pregnant, she's allowed to be mad at whatever she wanted to be mad about. She was too calm right now, frighteningly so.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked carefully.

"You're going over to your moms' right?" She asked, ignoring my question. I silently nodded. "Training?" Another nod from me. "Do you think that's a good idea so soon?"

"It's just to get my strength to what it was before, love." I replied with a smile.

"And work?" She asked, a sour expression at the word 'work'.

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