Chapter Twenty Six

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"Riv, you should be in bed." I said, wrapping my arms around myself.

It was way past midnight and I woke to find her spot next to me empty. I went to bed without her after she said she'd follow soon. For the past week or so, she'd been sending herself crazy with the drug case. Everytime they thought they were close, something happened to prove them wrong.

"Look, love," She showed me the witness report. "The witness said that right after our sirens were heard, a man ran right into him, right? But he didn't get to see him properly. That call we got came from a neighbour, who heard the commotion. He didn't have time to inject the woman." She hesitated. "I'm not going to tell you how he killed her but someone tipped him off. Maybe someone from the inside?" She questioned.

I could see the frustration and worry eating at her. "Come on, let's go to bed." I said, gently taking her hand.


"It's late and you're overworking yourself. Please?" I took in her tired eyes.

The blonde nodded and followed me to bed. We laid on our sides, facing each other. She was looking at me as if asking for something, I knew exactly what it was. Smiling at my adorable girlfriend, I opened my arms. She wasted no time in crawling closer, burying her face in my neck and wrapping her strong arms around me. I lifted my right leg up to her waist as my hands rubbed her back.

I did so until she drifted off which didn't take long. I was worried about her, this had been happening a lot lately. I'd go to bed only to wake up and drag her up late at night. I insisted she came here if she wasn't working just to keep an eye on her. Eventually I drifted off as well.

"Are you staying here?" I asked my blonde who was currently staring up at the ceiling.

She locked eyes with me. "Might go hang out with Ryan and James later."

I nodded and finished getting dressed for work. As I did so, I could feel her eyes on me. I didn't address it but continued to put on my makeup.

"You don't need it, you know?" Her quiet voice spoke.

"Don't need what?" I asked, looking at her through the mirror.

"Make up." She mumbled quietly.

I placed it down and walked to her. "Are you sure you're okay?" I asked, sitting next to her.

She nodded looking at our linked hands. "I'm fine. Do you need me to take you to work?"

I was about to say no, but the look in her eyes made me change my mind. "Sure, we can take my car and you pick me up after school ends?"

She smiled and nodded eagerly. "Let's go." She jumped up.

River walked me to my classroom, hesitating to let me go, even after multiple kisses.

"Riv, come on. We're in school." I pushed her back gently.

She sighed but relented. "I'll miss you. Oh, and don't let the enemy touch you again." She frowned.

"I'll miss you too. The enemy?" I questioned even though I knew who she meant.

"Yes." She glanced across the hall. "I don't like her."

I quickly kissed the pout that appeared. "No one but you is touching me. I promise, but you need to go."

She came closer, kissing my lips a few times before leaving.


"Alright, please bring in your assignments on time." I spoke loudly to the students that were hurriedly packing up their stuff.

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