Chapter Thirty Two

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"Ow." I groaned, turning in bed. My head was pounding and I felt like shit. I tried to get up only to fall down again.

Stumbling out of bed with my eyes still closed, I tried to find the bathroom. I leaned against the wall and before I knew it, I was throwing up in the toilet.

"Doesn't feel good, huh?" Her dulcet voice sounded too loud this morning.

I sat on the floor, looking up at her. "I'm never drinking again."

She was leaning on the door frame, stoic expression in place. "Clean yourself up and come down." She left.

Ouu, I'm in trouble.

I showered, scrubbing my skin until it was red, then brushed my teeth three times. Throwing on a basketball shorts and tank top, I timidly went to find her.

"Good morning, love." I said softly, taking a seat on the stool.

"It's a good morning for me, is it for you?" She spoke with her back to me.

"Any morning with you is a good one." I said honestly even though my head still hurt.

The goddess didn't answer and served me breakfast. I kept looking at her as she stared me down.

"I feel like kicking your ass for being so fucking dumb." She said, but her tone held no anger. "Things could've gone different. You could've been hurt. Did the three of you forget that there is a serial killer out there. What if one of you got behind the wheel? Or someone took advantage of the fact that all of you were fucking wasted?"

I looked down feeling ashamed for getting that drunk. I didn't like when she was mad at me. "I'm sorry. I did call you though." I mumbled quietly.

I heard her sigh. "I'm not mad at you, baby. I just want to know, that you understand that you can't get that wasted."

Lifting my head, I nodded vigorously. "I won't, ever again. I'll stop drinking if you tell me too."

She chuckled and rounded the counter. "Eat your food," she gripped my chin and kissed me a little rough. "I have plans for us today." She patted my cheek and walked away.

After I pretty much inhaled my food, I found her on the couch reading.

"I'm ready." I said, excitement getting the best of me.

"For what?" She asked, still focused on her book.

"For what you have planned for us." I pouted. "Are we going out? Can we go to the zoo? I haven't been in years. I wanna see a lion." I stuck my head in front of her book. "Rawr."

She placed her hand over my face and pushed me aside. "Are you really that clueless or are you pretending?" She asked as she placed her book down.

"What do you mean?" I furrowed my brows.

She bit her lip, eyeing me. Her hand came to rest on my chest, pushing me back to lean against the armrest. She seductively crawled onto my lap, leaning to my ear.

"I mean River, that I want you to devour me. Not go to the damn zoo." She whispered in my ear then nibbled at it.

Yup, my buddy was awake now.

My entire body heated up at the thought of being in her. She was going to let me make love to her. Today, now.

"A-are you sure?" I gulped.

"What, did you forget how to? That's okay, I'm sure she," she gripped my dick and squeezed, eliciting a moan from me. "Remembers." She got off of me and started to slowly walk up the stairs, I followed her with my eyes. "Are you coming?" She slipped off her top, then her bra followed. "I can always started without you."

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