Chapter 20- Michael

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"What do we do? Michael what do we do? She's here, I know you can hear her, so what do we do?" Paul had a frantic look on his face, and in walks Bonnie.

"Hello Michael. How can I help you today?" She smiled at me like she usually does. It seemed forced though. She was a pretty woman. Maybe 5'7'' bright green eyes, and long black hair that touched her waist. She was always dressed in the finest clothes. Today she had on a black pantsuit with a red button down silk and red high heels. She had on bright red lipstick and eyeliner. A risqué look, but she mastered it.

"As a diplomat, what are your rules?  I mean I know that wherever you break rules, you get punished but what are your rules?"

She looked stumped then she shrugged her shoulders. Then she said, "Well, by diplomatic law, I am not allowed to withhold asked and required information. I'm a neutral zone. I don't fight for one side. I may believe in one side's beliefs and actions more than another side, but I don't let that interfere with my work." She picked at some imaginary thing on her shirt, and looked up at me with her huge eyes. "Just like, for example, if you were to ask me where iris was, I would have to tell you that she is in the ninth circle. If you asked me to take you there I would have to. That's how it works. My one and only law is I cannot hold information from someone on either side if they asked for it."

She just helped us. Holy shit she just helped us. I looked at each of the guys, and they all stared at her. She looked at me and raised her perfect eyebrow in question. I got the hint.

"Can you take me to Iris without getting caught?"

"Of course Michael." She stood, and even with her heels on I was still a good bit taller than her. I opened the door for her to lead the way and me and the guys followed. They were good at being quiet. For once.

"So Bonnie," Said Thomas," you single and ready to mingle? With me of course." As usual, I spoke to soon. Thank god Bonnie shook her head and ignored his ass like behavior.

"Why is Iris in the ninth circle?"

"She betrayed Hades by going to Olympus and revealing herself after she swore that she would reveal her true identity. Hades can feel when promises are broken. He can feel whenever a sin is committed. We all sin. Even angels, gods, goddesses, humans, everybody. Because she was close to him, he must have felt that one immediately after she did it. Or maybe he was waiting for her to break her promise, we will never know."

"She knew this would happen?" It was Joshua who asked.

"Most likely yes. Iris is very intelligent. She observes and absorbs things like a sponge. It's beautiful and harmful at the same time. Bonding with her, I think of her as a sister. I could never betray her."

"So why didn't you try to save her?"

"I entered the underworld maybe a minute before you did, and I tried to plan a way to get her out. That's when Persophenie told me that I had angels awaiting my company." We came to a flight of stairs at the end of the hall we were walking. "Be careful, there's no light down here." We slowly descended the stairs. The lower we got the colder we got.

"Why is it so cold down here?" I asked.

"What did Iris sound like when you heard her a little bit ago?"

"She sounded like she was in a small space but towards the end it sounded like she was in water. It was extremely confusing."

"She is trapped in the Ice. Dante had all the circles right. I'm not sure if you've ever read Dante's Inferno. The ninth circle here is all ice. As the days go by and your body heat slowly melts the ice, the come in and fill the eroded ice with ice cold water. Submerging the prisoner repeatedly. I'm going to guess that maybe she has died maybe 68 times since she has been here. You can die, but you wake back up and go through it all over again and again." I shuddered and this time it was not because of the cold.

I constantly listened to her heartbeat. Right now it was a slow but steady thump.

Hello everybody...... so i had a terrible incident yesterday. My phone broke ugh!!!!! I had a galaxy note 3 and its $260 to repair!!!!!

anyways, vote and comment as you please! i am terribly sorry the chapter is so short!!@!

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