Chapter 10- Iris

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If you looked up "pissed" in the dictionary, my fathers face would be in there. He was red in the face. He's a handsome man too. Blonde almost brown colored hair with grey eyes. Tall build. He's about 6'3. He does however never show affection unless it is truly necessary. Even then I know it's sometimes fake. But you learn to accept these things as they are because they are the way they are. He has never told me not to go to the heavens and I know he isn't worried about me either. So what crawled in his ass and died?

"Is there something wrong with that?" His nostrils were flaring with every breath he took and I felt uncomfortable.

"We can't afford for you to be so stupid right now Iris. I know you are really stupid, and don't consider what your actions can cause, but this is just beyond you. This is stupidity in the flesh Iris! It is a shame that you had to be such a waste! I had such high hopes for you. I thought that you would be everything I hoped you would be! Look at you! You are weak!" He spoke the words slowly, and each word was a stab in  the heart. I hope he doesn't mean it, because then I have to leave here. "You are a pathetic waste. You are nothing. Nobody will want you! You belong nowhere! I should never had created you! I should have killed you. If anything happens it is all your fault! I need to keep you locked up or I will kill you." He nodded his head as if that was a good idea. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me. I started to fight him. To pull away from his grip. I tripped over his boot, and landed on the ground. I felt the vial that Zeus gave me shatter in my back pocket, and grew even more angry. Hades drug me down the stairs and I felt every step on my sore back. I bit his hand and clawed at it hoping that he would let me go or loosen his grip, but there was no hope,

We finally arrived at my door and he drug my unwilling body inside. He quickly turned around and locked the door behind him. I started to think of ways to escape, and I thought better in the shower. Of course, I was going to have to take a bath because these damn wings are so not fitting in my shower. I turned on the water and poured in some soap. I quickly grabbed a change of clothes so I could dress in the bathroom. A pair of undies and a bra, some denim shorts, my white vans, and a black shirt that had Paramore's "Brand New Eyes" album cover on it. I set them on the counter and got in the tub.

As I sat in the tub, I played with the necklace. The circles were beautiful. Maybe im not supposed to be in the underworld.. Maybe I really dont belong in one single place. I washed my hair and everything else. Quickly shaved, and got out. I looked at myself in the mirror and went to grab my contact lenses like I do every morning. I had them in my hand and decided not to wear them. I chucked them in the trash. When I was done dressing, I sat down in front of the vanity.

"Spin the knob a few times." I said it aloud. I spun them, and waited. After a few minutes, nothing happened. Absolutely frigging nothing. Just fantas-

"You spun?" I looked behind me and there he stood. I did something I thought I never would be able to. I ran up to him and gave him the biggest hug I was capable. After an awkward second he hugged me back and I decided I will tell him when the time is right.

"What is the matter child?"

"I need to get out of here. I have to go. I cant stay here anymore. Please get me out of here? That's why I called you. I just need to go." He looked at me and could tell I was serious.

"I will take you to the heavens with me. You will tell me everything,"he looked at me and I promised, "and if the situation calls for it, I will oersonally train you as an angel. Is that a plan?" Sounded good to me.


Hello everybody! No time for a long authors note but im verrrrrrrry excited to update!!!!!

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