Chapter 2- Michael

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I waited for her to answer. She just looked at me like I was a fool. Little does she know I have things I have to do. Places to go. People to see. Yet I am here. Making an alliance with the daughter of Hades. She is a beautiful girl. One of the most beautiful I have ever seen and I’ve seen many. Shes got long brown hair that’s up in some weird style, chocolate brown eyes, and a smile that can light a room. She could easily be a successful diplomat too, but I wont tell her that.  

“So, besides protecting people who don’t need protection, what else use is this alliance for? I’m getting the vibes that this is some sort of ploy. Like a two birds one stone situation. Or is this just me?” Feisty little one too.

“No. It's just the main problem at hand that we need your alliance for.”

“So, what use does our alliance bring to you?” She looked at me with those legitimately curious eyes and I couldn’t help but laugh a little. “Is it like, obvious or something? I said I usually don’t have to play this role, so I don’t know all the fundamentals, but laughing at me is rude.” Looks like im gonna tell her anyways.

“No, actually I wasn’t laughing at you. A minute ago, I was thinking to myself that you could easily be a successful diplomat if you ever needed. You ask all the right questions, and seem to have a good poker face. I Believe that the alliance will give us a temporary truce, and we can put our best people together to speed up the process of finding this person.”

“Blah, blah, blah, blah you sound like someone trying to sell a crappy product for a high price. Or like a government official telling me lies. Tell me something that makes me feel honored to be working with the Angels. None of this “It will better our kind” and “temporary truce” bull crap. Otherwise I will assume its a bunch of bull, and deny your request.” She smiled after she said request letting me know she's humored by this situation.

“Look Iris, im not going to sit here and try to list every reason why I think this is a good reason to band together, because there just isn’t enough reasons to list. If you're so hellbent on knowing my reasons then come to the heavens with me, and Zeus can tell you on his own.” I smiled calling her bluff. Her face turned red but she looked thoughtful about my offer. I have no qualms about taking or not taking her to the heavens, but im not so sure how that entire trip would go and im not really up for chaperoning a field trip. She's more than welcome, as all the gods and goddesses are. And the high ranking angels and demons, but not just any old demon and angel can get in of course. It's like a VIP club.


“What?” I know she did not say okay. Why did I offer her a trip? I mentally punch myself in the face for offering to take her.

“I said okay, i'll go to the heavens with you. I have never been up there so it would be quite the learning expreience.” She smiled as she was deep in thought and I suddenly didnt regret bringing her so much. My wings tingled with the urge to fly above. Being in the underworld for such a long period of time is, uncomfortable. I tried to tame my wings but the slowly stretched out on instinct. “Does everybpdy in the heavens have such huge damn wings? Your taking up most of the room with those things, and there are feathers on the floor.” Let's see if we can call her bluff.

“Okay let's go.” She stopped halfway to reaching a feather and looked up at me with those pretty eyes. There's a hint of gold in her eyes, so I suppose they are hazel.

“Like right this minute??” I nodded. “I can't go right this second, im the highest ranking in hell right now and can't leave this place with no supervision in my place. Can this wait until my father returns?” I saw in her face and the way she pleaded that she really wanted to go to the heavens. I wondered silently why she just never went herself.

“Yes. Do you know how long Hades should be?”

“He didnt give me his schedule, only let me know he is needed in Ireland. I presume its a client in Dublin thats been acting up. Is there a way for me to reach you when he returns?”

Im going to do something I swore to myself I wouldn't do for a long time. I am going to wait on another person besides Zeus. For some reason I dont mind on waiting on her. “Yes. I'll know.”

“Yeah do you mind telling me how you're going to know, because thats just uber creepy you knowing bef-

“Trust me. I will know. And if you dont see me at the gates when your father returns, Then once you reach above ground, just whisper my name. Dont scream it, just whisper it as softly as you can. Trust me I will hear it loud and clear.” You have a unique and beautiful voice th- wait, what? Forget that whole thing Michael. Since when did you start caring for females? Come on. The daughter of Hades. Just admire her from afar. That should be enough right? “I'll fly down once I hear you, but please make sure your on hround. Not in the underworld. It's harder to hear in here if I can at all.” She looked at me with those eyes and that face and that hair with her lips pursed. Pretty mouth. Sassy mouth. Brat. This journey is bound to be terrible.

“Thank you Michael. This means more than you can imagine.”

Hello everybody!!!! So this is chapter 2! Tell me what you think so far and ehat you think may happen!!??

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