Chapter 33- Iris

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I woke up, and saw a strange man sitting in my bed. A huge beautiful man. He had dark shoulder length hair. Dark bushy eyebrows with a scar that added some intimidating-ness to him along with some scruffiness. Through the scar there was an eyebrow piercing. Two little silver balls about an inch appart. Something I never really found attractive, but he made it look sexy, even dangerous. He was a giant, easily clearing six feet. Maybe six and a half. He had on a black shirt, a leather jacket, leather pants, and biker boots.

And he was sprawled out on my bed.

"It's rude to stare." His voice was deep but still loud in its own way. It fit him perfectly. It had a bit of a Greek accent to it, adding to the beauty of it.

I smirked. "It's also rude to be in other people's bed uninvited." I found that I could kind of talk. It wasn't a whisper, but it certainly wasn't my normal voice. It had a huskiness to it. It was a little raspy too

He gave a smirk. "Touché." He was concentrating on his hands. He was carving a piece of wood with a pocket knife.

He still never moved. "That's kind of your cue to, I don't know, get the hell out?" He stopped what he was doing and turned to me. Face to face. He was really beautiful, strikingly beautiful. He bright blue eyes stood out. I was rendered speechless for a moment. My mouth dried out, my breath picked up, my hands were clammy- itching to run my fingers through his hair.

Sarcasm, Iris. The best weapon in the world is your words.

"So, does my unwanted bed guest have a name? Or should I just go with creeper?" I raised an eyebrow in question.

"I have many names." He smiled.

"Well, that's evasive." His smile widened. Not quite showing teeth, but close. Watch him have no teeth.

"What is your name, little Angel?"

"John." He rolled his eyes.

"Clearly. So what's it going to take to tell me your name?"

I thought for a minute, my finger tapping my chin. "A vow." I'll quickly find out if he's a god. The tattoos started about ten minutes after a vow was made.

"A vow? Okay, let's see." He took a deep breath. "I vow I'll kiss you within the year. And I vow that you'll want me to, maybe even beg me to." He said with an even bigger smile, finally showing his full set of pearly whites.

My jaw dropped. "Nothing snarky to say now? Huh, I have a feeling making you speechless is difficult. You asked for a vow, you weren't specific." He winked. He freaking winked. "Now, John, your name? Preferably your real one."

My mouth closed. Seriously, this guy. I cleared my throat. "Iris."

"Beg pardon? I'd like to know what I'll be yelling in the throes of e-"

"I said Iris, damn it!" I interrupted. He laughed, a dimple showing in each cheek. The man was getting more gorgeous by the second.

"There we go. Now I have a pretty face and a pretty name. Care to explain why you're in the princess quarters? I just kind of popped up here. For an unknown reason. Care to shed some light on that? Never had this happen before, and I'd like to know why, all of a sudden, I have an impossible urge to be in Olympus. Then I'm here, in the princess's bed. With an unknown person. You could be a serial killer for all I know."

I narrowed my eyes. "I am not a serial killer."

He narrowed his eyes back. "Isn't that what all serial killers say before doing their serial killing?" He said, his voice deepening. Making goosebumps raise all over my skin.

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