Chapter 46- Iris

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I laid on the bed, my legs hanging over the edge with Michael standing between them. He reached for my leg, his eyes never leaving mine. He grabbed the shoe on my left food and slowly unclasped it, his eyes still never leaving mine.

"You have such small feet." What? No, a seven and a half is pretty freaking normal.

I huffed, "Actually, seven and a half is a very normal size thank you very much." He dropped one sandal, and moved for the other.

"I'm a size fourteen." He said, one eyebrow raised. I knew he had big feet, bit u didn't realize they were that big.

"In women's? I didn't know that was your thing, Michael."

Shaking his head he rolled his eyes, then yanked off my other shoe after unclasping it. The thud when it hit the floor resounded through the room. He broke the gaze, his eyes feasting downwards. I felt the blush that was covering my face and neck spread to my chest. He's only taken my shoes off and I was going to blow.

His fingers slowly tailed up my feet to my ankles. Higher, he rubbed his hands against my calves. The feeling of his bare hands on my naked skin was thrilling. Making me shiver and hot at the same time. His hands slowly trailed higher. He was touching mid-thigh. I gasped when he squeezed them. He slowly pushed me further up the bed. I watched him pause and look down at his feet. He bent down, and I heard the sound of his heavy boots hitting the ground.

His fingers went to the edge of his shirt. Quickly shooting up, I grabbed the hem myself. I pulled it over his body then yanked it off his arms. It hit the floor with a heavy thud from the odd material. I got to ogle his muscular chest. My fingers went to the tattoo that covered his chest and trailed downwards into the waist of his pant and completely covered his arms. There was no hair except for the little bit that started at his navel and traveled down to his pants He grabbed me by the neck and kissed me senseless.

"Princess, I think you're overdressed." He said. "We can't have that now, can we?"

I shook my head unable to talk. His fingers mimicked my own actions from just a minute ago. He pulled the shirt up over my head and dropped it somewhere on the floor. Not even a second, and his fingers were on my body. He applied pressure, pushing me onto my back. This time he followed and hovered over me. He held himself up on one elbow, and traced my cheeks with one hand. He leaned forward and kissed me. It was a kiss that made my toes curl and lower parts of my body ache.

Not even realizing, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. Apparently not expecting it, his body dropped onto mine with an "Oomph". Our chests touching and rubbing, making everything all the more sensitive. I spread my legs a little farther so he could fit comfortably. His fingers started moving, and his lips followed.

The amount of panting I was doing was highly embarrassing.

He kissed that special spot where my neck and shoulder meet, and I let out a small groan.

"So beautiful, η βασίλισσά μου." My body felt like it was on fire. My hands went up to his head and tangled themselves in his hair. It was so soft compared to everything else about him. He nipped at mi collar bone, and I accidently pulled his hair. The growl that came from him making me feel hotter. I looked down to see if maybe I was actually on fire, and saw no flames. His hands crept under my back to the string of my bikini. He pulled it, and I felt it loosen. His hands went a little higher towards the back of my neck and did the same with the string there.

"Iris," he said. His voice deep and gravelly. I felt goosebumps break out across my body at just the sound of his voice.

"If you want me to stop," He kissed down my breasts. His lips right at the front part of the bikini. I felt his breath blow across my chest. The warmth against the heat of my skin igniting it further. His teeth gently bit the skin right under the front string. A louder moan escaped my lips. I felt his hands squeeze the curve of my waist, his fingers digging in painfully making it all the more pleasurable. His teeth slowly pulled the front of the bikini off. The cool air around me made my nipples raise.

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