Chapter 38- Iris

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My cheeks were still burning from the sort-of kiss. I had just realized we weren't walking towards the edge of Olympus to jump off. "How are we getting down Olympus?"

"We cannot risk being seen, so were driving down. There's a road that takes you all the way down to the bottom, and then we drive to the airport." He said as though it was the most obvious thing ever.

I huffed. "Why can't we just fly down? Or just pop up in the airport bathroom? Wouldn't that be more convenient?" I was staring at the back of him. He had one of those backs that had corded muscles, and that indent where the spine was. I didn't have to see his shirtless to know it was mouthwatering. I shook the image from my head and noticed I was lagging. Even though he easily had a hundred of pounds of luggage he was dragging and holding, not to mention both carryons, he still walked faster than I did. But he has really long legs, and I was just impaled with an arrow.

"You don't have wings anymore."

I snorted.

I watched his back stiffen, then he stopped walking. He turned around, and was obviously pissed.

"Something funny? Care to clue me in on the joke?" He said with one raised eyebrow. Only he could make that look intimidating and sexy at the same time.

"I think that my lack of wings is the least of my problems." More like my excessive paranoia. I had a knife strapped on my thigh in case something unexpected came up. Seriously, how was I going to get through security carrying it? I did not know. But it made me feel a bit safer, and I didn't have to worry about any tragedies.

Or Thanatos.

I started to see red. I had the uncomfortable feeling that we were being watched. I slowly turned my head, trying to appear as though I really wasn't scanning the room for the person that I knew was near. Trying to appear enthralled with Michael, who asked me a question, but I didn't hear it.

I saw a quick movement to my left. I dropped my bag and ran to the stalker. I grabbed their throat and my knife at the same time. Before I could slide the blade out, the person head-butted me. My head hit one of the pillars behind me. The crack resonated through the room. The brought my head down and their knee up, kneeing me right in the sternum. I lost my breath as the pain rushed over my body. I felt the pain down to the tips of my toes all through my scalp. Every nerve ending was encased in red hot pain.


Tiny wisps of air leaked into my lungs. That was all I needed.

I lunged at the assailant and brought his face down to the marble floor. The thunderous noise leaving cracks in the floor that were just as impressive. The cracks spread farther than I thought they would. The person swung their arm back. Hello face, meet elbow. I fell back, hitting the back of my head on the marble. The sides of my vision blurred. All I saw were blotches of color leaking into one another. When my vision cleared I saw him.


Son of a horse dick!

He stepped towards me. I swung my leg out causing him to fall backwards cracking the back of his head on the floor, just like I did. When I got up I jumped as high as I could, ready to land as hard as I could. My feet ready to smash into his shoulders. As I was still gaining momentum, I felt one hand grasp my left ankle and one grab the left side of my waist. I saw it all before it even happened. He slammed the whole right side of my body on the floor. My ribs cracked. I felt blood trickle from my ears and from some unknown area on the back of my head. My breath was stalling, and I really wanted to take a nap.

Dear Christ, this is too much.

I refused to give up, I refused to lose.

He was dragging me towards the center on the room by my ankle behind him. I bent my knee which caused his step to falter, I brought my other foot up and slammed it right into the middle of his back. He let go and dropped to his hands and knees, he hit his head on the waterfall. All his breath was knocked out of him.

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