Chapter 11- Iris

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The heavens were just as beautiful as when I entered them before. I don't think I could get used to seeing this everyday. This time I landed more gracefully expecting the landing. I was still a little awkward with my wings, but they do make a difference when it comes to landing. Now I understand why Michael can be so graceful and I just look like some drunken ass walking around.

"Are you sure about this Iris? You know you can leave at any point you wish?" He looked at me and I could tell he was sincere.

I smiled up at him, "Yeah, I think it was a good decision."

"May I ask what was the last straw?" I kind of cringed, not knowing what I should tell him and what I should keep to myself. He looked at me and one of his brows raised, almost in a challenging way.

"Is there a way," I paused for a second, because my voice took me by suprise. I have never been a cowardly or scard type, but my voice right now would tell you otherwise. " Is there a way we can find a place to talk where nobody else can hear?" He looked at me for a minute, and in that minute I felt my heart race faster and I felt sweat forming on my body and realized I was scared he would tell me no. I wanted to tell him the truth. Maybe he would be more fatherly to me than Hades.

He nodded and said,"Of course child." I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. He gently grabbed my arm and I flinched. Im sure a bruise was going to form there from Hades' not so gentle handling. I hope he didn't notice. I blinked really quick and we were in an office. This office was huge. Like massive. This was easily the size of a modern day apartment. He had a huge desk and beautiful chairs at the far edge of the room.There was a giant globe in the center of the room. Like those science Earth's in a science classroom. It was very bright in here and I realized because when you look through the glass, you see the earth. People walking.

"What is this?" I pointed to the glass window, raising one eyebrow? The view looked like L.A.

"Well, in a simple term, it is Los Angeles." He smiled.

"Okay, how come when you look through your glass you see L.A.?" I saw his eyes and was taken aback. There are alot of similarities between us. We have the same nose, bushy eyebrows ( I do my eyebrows though), and eyes.We even have the same shade of blue eyes. I don't look a single thing like Hades, but I could pass for Zeus's twin clone. All except the hair color. I have dark hair. He has bright blonde hair.

"See the globe right there," he pointed to the huge conversation starter in the center of his offce," that lets me see whatever city I want to. Today I was feeling inner-city like so I opted for Los Angeles. Yesterday I was looking at the cliffs of Moher Ireland. Let me tell you they were beautiful."

"Yeah, I know how beautiful Ireland is. The most common parts of the underworld are under Dublin, and i've gotten to know the country like the back of my hand. I know lots of Scottland and England." I was happy to be on a familiar subject.

"Why do the accents change every 50 miles? I honestly never understood that."

"I think the accent evolves over time. They just never stay the same. I used to have one, but now I can rarely ever hear it myself. And it used to be a really thick accent." I smiled at the fond memories.

"Iris?" I looked at him and realized it's time. "What did you want to tell me?" His shoulders looked stiff, and he almost had a pained expression on his face, and I almost didn't do it, but then Iremembered what Hades said "Nobody will ever want you. You belong nowhere."

" Three thousand  years ago, Hades made a trip to the heavens to visit his brother. Hades was nvious of his brother because he had such a beautiful family. He had kids that knew what the wanted to do, while Hades had a set of grown twin boys that wanted nothing to do with him." I looked up at him, and saw that he was engrossed wiith the tale that I have heard thousands of times, and he was also very pale. " He waited untill it was nightfall, and transformed. He transformed into a beautiful goddess. He transformed into Athena. Foor one night only. He tricked Zeus by seducing him, and assumed that Zeus would never know the truth and neither would Athena." I looked up again for good measure, and was suprised to see he was even paler than before. I continued torturing him. "Hades remained in that form for nine months. He gave birth to a baby girl, a baby girl who he named Iris. I am your lost child Zeus."

There was a long silence, and I could tell he was looking for similarities. Ones that I already found. The eyes, the nose, the eyebrows. Our jawline was the exact shape. He got up and walked towards me slowly. I waas pretty close to crapping myself right now, but he just grabbed my chin and moved my head to the right. He saw my birthmark at my hairline behind my ear, and touched it so gently. He moved his hand and looked at me one last time before turning and walking back to his desk. He sat down in his big fancy chair and just stared at me. Thats when I saw it. I saw the tear slip out of his eye. I stood up and walked to him, he wouldn't look at me when I stood beside him, and I was almost comfused as to what I should do. Should I comfort him? My hand flew to his shoulder, but I wanted to give him a hug. A big heartfelt hug, but I-

He stood up and hugged me. He held my shoulders kinda awkwardly, but it was a damn hug, and that's all that mattered. I hugged him around his waist, and I felt like I was at home. A place where I could be accepted.

"Thank you Iris." What do I say? Ugh time to grow some big furry balls.

"You're welcome father."

"I knew you were out there. I knew I wasn'y crazy. It's almost wierd though, you look like Athena. I'll have to introdue the two of you eventually. I'll also have to tell all the hunters that the search is off, and that we found you."

"You had multiple people searching foor me?" I was kind of scocked, and felt important.

"Iris, child, I have about three thousand two hundred people looking for you. Now. I need to knwo something and answer me honestly." He looked at me with that "im not playing around" glare.

"Okay," I smiled, a little unsure.

"What did Hades do?"

"That really is irrevelant Zeus,"

"Call me father. Or dad. Unless you're uncomfortable doing that."

"No, it's fine. I actually just wanted to call you dad." I looked down at my arms and saw the blue bloches forming, and tried to fugure out how I was gonna hide those. I smiled at him. He smiled back and  was happy. I was actually happy.

Hello everybody!!!!!! So I was stuck for a while, trying to find out how I was going to do this chapter, and fonally decided on this. It was a smooth chapter with quite the happy ebding, but will things remain that way? I sure dont know yet=

Anywhoo- vote, comment, like, share, whatever! If there are any questions, message me privately or write a comment!

P.S. Happy 18th birthday to me!!!!

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