Chapter 24- Michael

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I stormed out of the room feeling fury build inside me. I know what they did to her was not good. She was going to be damaged. I just need few details and names and I can do what I have been given permission to do.


I found myself walking to the infirmary where Joshua was. He was in pretty bad shape, but he'll live. We always do.

"How are you feeling?" He had a shitload of bandages around his torso. There was a spot of blood that seeped through the layers. He got a little color back but he wasn't back to his normal shade.

"You know, I told someone here that the nurses dressing as sexy little nurses would make someone feel better, but for some reason my suggestion fell on deaf ears." He looked at the blonde filling his water with longing. Staring at her behind a bit more than necessary.

The pretty blonde smacked him in his chest. He gasped out in pain then tried to cover it with a cough. He turned his sweaty red face to me. Staring at me trying to get a gauge on what I'm doing.

"How is she?" he finally asked.

"I don't know. I don't think she'll really let us know either." He nodded his head in agreement. Then scowled. I thought for a minute he was going to get up and come after me.

"You're not going to go on a killing rampage are you? Look Mike, we have been looking for this girl for way too long for you to just go and throw it all away. You know as well as I do that if you go looking for every person that has hurt her that we will lose you. You rescued this girl therefore she will see you as someone trustworthy. You cannot ditch her right after bringing her back to Olympus." His scowl deepened and his face had lines of worry.

"Someone needs to pay for what happened to her. I know you didn't get to see much of her, but it was bad. Did you see that gash on her throat? That couldn't have been more than a week old. Someone slit her god damn throat Joshua! And the needle track on her arms? I cant even guess what they put in there. They are evil, the actual embodiment of pure evil. The worst part? Do you know what the worst part in all this is?"

He shook his head knowing that it can be so much worse. "No really. I don't think it gets worse than what was physically done to her."

"The fact that she won't  tell us. She won't let us help her. She's as stubborn as a brick fucking wall."

"Well think about it Mike, would you tell us? I can man up and say that I wouldn't be able to do it. I know what was done to her was horrid, and I don't even know what happened to her. She will tell you when she's ready. You can't just go off killing people because you could be killing the wrong people." I shook. My hands, arms, legs; they all shook with the need for vengeance. The need to kill.

"This goes beyond a girl getting hurt pretty bad doesn't it?" He pursed his lips. The scowl left his face and turned into a look of confusion. "This is something personal for you. Why are you so tied up about this?"

I wondered that same thing. Why does this bother me so much? Angels are tortured every day, so what is it about Iris being tortured that sets me off? She's beautiful. Brown eyes or blue eyes. Long pretty hair. Yeah I got it, she's stunning but this goes past looks. It must be because Zeus was always like a father to me and I just felt the need to second-hand help her right? I frowned. No there's something more to it than that.

I heard a sharp intake of breath. I looked to Joshua who was looking over my shoulder. I turned and saw Iris standing there. It felt hard to breathe for a minute or two. She was so beautiful. It surpassed Athena's beauty in its own unique way. Iris had a beauty that was untouchable and nothing could compare to it. She had a beauty that inspired poems and songs. She had a beauty that broke hearts and repaired them too. Her long brown hair was a mess around her giving her a wild look. Her cerulean eyes were bloodshot and a little big on her face. I assumed the soft brown was contacts. Her cheeks seemed hollow. She must have lost quite a bit of weight. Her slightly upturned nose was red at the tip too. Looking like Rudolph. Her full lips were parted slightly. She had two blossoms of red on her cheeks.

Then there was her neck. She had a bright red scar on her neck that stretched from ear to ear. I'd say it was done a couple days ago, and was happy to see she healed fast. She wore a black shirt that was a few sizes too big and some sweats that hung off her hips. Her forearms were marred with bruises as was her neck and face. She had a fading black eye and I could easily make out a handprint on her neck. Just looking at the bruises made me want to do things that could get me in serious trouble. It would be worth it though wouldn't it? Hell yes it would. I'd leave with a smile knowing I went for a good reason.

As she stood there next to Zeus I could see the similarities between the two. They actually looked identical. They only difference was Zeus had bright blonde hair and Iris had brown hair. And she was a female, obviously. She came with a lovely plump behind, long legs, perfectly wide hips, and breasts that could fill my hands and then some. She was beautiful. She was sexy. She was staring at me.

Zeus cleared his throat. "Michael, Iris would like to talk to you alone." He didn't look all too pleased to say that. He looked at her as if to say are you sure? She nodded in reassurance.

I, on the other hand, got a whole different look. One that said if you hurt her or upset her I will make a coin purse from your balls. I like my balls. I pursed my lips and nodded. Iris turned and walked to the door. She had a bad limp in her left leg. I got up to follow her. I was terrified of what was going to be said. A grown ass man, and I was terrified of what this girl was about to say to me.

Just chop off your nuts now and give them to Zeus.

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