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Iris. That's all I chanted in my head. She was keeping me sane- alive. She didn't even have to be here, all I did was picture her. Imagined her next to me. Imagined she was talking to me. Telling me to keep strong and calling me a bunch of names.

I imagines her smile, lighting the small pitch black room I was in. I had my knees pushed up to my chest and I was still squished. My wings were the first thing to go, my clothes almost immediately after.

I'm surprised I still had testicles, to be honest.

After all, I did bang the brains out of Hades' daughter. It's got to take some huge cajones to do what I've done. I imagine what he's feeling is a bit more than fatherly rage of his not innocent daughter. This seems like a cliché setup.

"Here, I'll take the man you love and break him down to the biggest pussy known to man or I will make him hate you. Either way I'm going to seriously fuck up what relationship you guys had."

But why?

What's his beef?

Or is he pissed with me? If so can we measure dicks some other day and get on with this? I get it, he likes to play with his food, but this is the pinnacle of stupidity. I'm pretty happy that Iris didn't get his drama streak.

Maybe it was what we did to his precious car. Yeah, that would warrant some serious revenge. I'd kill anyone for scratching a car like that. Mine or not. And hhere I was, after watching Iris pelt handfuls of rocks on it. Denting it, making it look like Ray Liotta's face.

The door opened letting in burning light. An arm reached and dragged me out, my bare ass scraping on the uneven ground.

Time to get this shit repaved fellas!

Someone quickly threw some shorts me, obviously trying not to have my balls rub all over their face. I was dragged to another room, and I instantly recognized it as the room I saw when I watched what happened to Iris. Everything looked exactly the same. What frightened me the most was that there was blood everywhere. Old blood. It had already turned brown and stunk up the room.

Seems a bit unsanitary.

I looked to my left and say a tray with twelve vials and syringes. My face scrunched, fully knowing what was already happening. Whatever the fuck was in those twelve vials, like the twelve Olympians, were entering my bloodstream and going to make me into something I shouldn't be.

Hold up.

What would they make me? I'm a third generation demigod. While that's still pretty impressive and pretty close to the Olympians, I'm not a direct descendant of two Olympians like Iris is. So what is this going to make me? A first generation? Maybe I'll be stronger, taller, and have more capabilities than I already have.

Yippie! Not.

Hades cleared his throat then asked, "How old are you, Michael?"

How old was I? I knew I was pushing four thousand here pretty soon. I only looked twenty five and I was almost two times older than Christ.

"I'm pretty sure I'm in the thirty-nine hundreds. Why?"

"I'm happy you asked." He gave me a mischievous smile. I rolled my eyes. He definitely has a flare for drama and stretching shit out. "See, I had tried to make myself into an Omni, and guess what happened? All I did was vomit and shit myself for weeks. Went to an oracle and you know what she said?" he didn't wait for an answer. Why ask a question if an answer isn't wanted? Prick. "She told me that you had to be younger than four thousand years. Obviously that's younger than me. So, I thought, how would I make this successful? So I played the waiting game."

He walked up and stabbed one syringe filled with the gold liquid into my forearm. There wasn't really any pain.

"I also asked another question. I asked, how pure does the Olympian blood have to be in order for this to work. You want to know what she said, Michael?"

He stabbed two more syringes before he spoke again.

"She said that only the first generation has to get all the vows, but no other generation does. Just as long as they have the blood in them. She said anyone can become Omni as long as they meet the age requirements" Two more and I started to feel a rush come over me. Quite like the rush I felt when I was with Iris.

"So I thought, why not have two?" he said laughingly. We've never had an Omni make it to full development. Iris has already gone through the transformation. I hear it was painful. Excruciating. She apparently kept screaming out your name. Ruined her vocal chords worse than when she was down here with me and a few friends." I closed my eyes, not wanting him to see weakness or vulnerability. Next time I was alone, I would smother myself in self-hatred and guilt for not being there with her.

I sat in silence while he finished putting all twelve vials in my arms. The tracks matched Iris's. "What is in those?"

"Oh, a little combination I made myself. See, I can't have one Omni more powerful than the other. What fun is that?" he shrugged like it was totally okay. "It's the blood of the gods and the blood of the titans." He said, almost sounding proud of his discovery.

"And what exactly is the point of having two Omni?"

"Now, that's still up in the air. I was thinking maybe you two would kill each other off, but that that was a bit too dramatic. Even for me. Then I thought maybe I could send you back to Olympus, but then who is going to lead my army to invade Olympus and kill Zeus? So I figured I'd mold you into the perfect merciless killer that I need you to be, and that sadly includes completely erasing your memory. You will kill Zeus and any other god that stands in our way. I will give your lover one chance to join us, if she refuses then you will kill her as well. If she joins and betrays us then I will have you kill her. If she joins us and is a perfect ally then you guys can rekindle your romance. After I train her to be a merciless killer like you."

I shook my head, seriously this guy was tripping on something because there was no way in fuck this was going down. It never went down.

"Haven't you seen Clash of the Titans? This clearly won't work. The bad guys never prevail." He rolled his eyes then left the room.

I waited in silence for someone to return. I was starting to get hungry. A door to the side opened, and in walked two beautiful and naked women.

"Sorry ladies, I'm taken."

They glanced to each other. One started humming. I looked closely then practically shit myself in that chair. They were sirens.

They lured you in, and took what they wanted from you. Willing or unwilling. Usually it was willing, but today I was not in the fucking mood. One of the got too close for comfort and started humming. My mind slowly became a fog of nothing. Then I saw Iris. I head butted the one that was humming. The other one was behind me trying to rum my naked shoulders. The one I head butted continued feeling up my junk through the shorts.

"Iris," I whispered. I closed my eyes. Only picturing her. Hoping that she can be the anchor I need to get me though this.

"My Iris,"

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