Chapter 15- Iris

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I was walking around, and felt like someone was watching me. Or just following me. Creepy as usual. I guess it must because this is unfamiliar territory. "What to do today?" I muttered to myself.

"I am sure meeting somone new would add a little more excitement?" I jumped at the foreign voice and accent. It was Russian.He had a thick accent, but I could understand what he was saying. I've heard Russian accents, and that was how this man spoke. I say man, but he is very young. Maybe 21 or 22. His wings were a little bigger than Michael's, but much smaller than mine. He was good looking. Like really good looking.Tall, medium brown hair, green eyes. He had tall dark and handsome in the bag.

"Well, yes. Meeting new people is always exciting. Who are you?"

"My name is Dionysus."

"Dinosaur?" I swear thats what he said.

He laughed,"No"

"That's kind of a mouthfull isn't it? A nickname perhaps?" He laughed, and shook his head.

"No, i've never had one bestowed upon me, but im sure you would like the honor?" He looked at me expectantly.

"I've never given anybody a nickname before. I've replaces their names with not so kind words, but no not a nickname. Dion? I mean; it fits." I looked at him sheepishly, expecting him to call me an idiot or something mean, but he just shrugged.

"Fits.. Well, im Dion!" He laughed and held out his hand. I grasped it, and it was meaty and huge and kinda sweaty.

"Hello! Im Iris. Kinds new."

"Yeah you're the new recruit or whatever. Michael gave everybody a brief summary, but never actually gives out important information." I looked at him. We must be thinking of two different Michaels.

"Such as?"

"Oh you know. Name, face, pretty, ugly, age, wingspan? Important stuff that can help us figure out who he's talking about."

"Wingspan? You guys seriously use wingspan as a description? That's kind of, dare I say strange?" I mean it could be very common, but im just late.

"It's just an example Iris."

"Ah-ha. Ok"

"Iris you are needed in the square." A guard came and interrupted. "Urgently."

"Ok. Well Dion it was nice to meet you and I am sure I will run into you again at some point."

"Yeah no problem." He swooped in for a hug, and before I could stop or kind of back away, I was in his huge hold. Jesus I lost my breath for a few seconds."See you 'round Iris!" I heard him shout it as the guard grabbed me not to politely and turned me around.

"Do you know why I need to be in the square?" He was silent, and after a minute of being f=dragged by him, I looked at his face and nearly shit myself right then and there. This is Thanatos. This is the man that Dad goes to whenever he needs someone tortured, and killed in the slowest and most painful way possible; and he was dragging me away. Back to where I dont want to be. Back to Hell.

I was scared, because this man could kill me in an instant if he wanted, but that was never his style. I looked at my surroundings, and there was just hallway after hallway, and figured I could take a serious risk. He looked deep in thought and I saw my opening. I fisted my left hand and punched him in the throat. I hheard him struggle for air out of vain. I got the element of suprise on him, so there was some hope. I thought fast, and grabbed his right arm and quickly snapped it in half and say his bone protrude through his skin and was disgusted. That's where I messed up because he kicked me in the ribs and easily cracked some ribs. The force of the blow sent me up flying then I hit the wall and fell to the ground with an "Omph."

He grabbed me by the hair, and pulled me up so I was lifted in the air. If we were under different circumstances, i'd tell you that he was insanely sexy, but no. He just had to hate me. He whispered in my ear,"Dear child, your father is very angry and right now so am I. You can best believe that I will have the best of fun hurting you." He lost alot of sexy points right now, but I felt his crotch area right at my hip. I took my knee and hit his balls as hard as I could. I hope he never makes anymore kids, because they'ss be twisted in the head. He grunted in pain, and dropped me so he could tend to his injuries.

"I never was fond of kicking a man while he was doen. but I needed to get him one last time. I kicked him in the side of his face, and he didn't move. he was still. Everything was still. Nothing moved. I didn't move, I barelyt took a breath, and I knew.

"Oh fu-" Before I coould even finish, he had me face planted on the floor, and his knees were digging into my spine, and I cried out on pain. I heard some glass shatter behind me somewhere. I was scared. I was scared that he was going to kill me right here in this hallway. He flipped me over onto my back and I felt a sharp pain in my wing, and had a feeling it was damaged. He tried to cover my mouth and nose to muffle my screams but I kept getting his hands away. He had my legs trapped by each of his, and I felt powerless, so I screamed louder and harder. Shredding what was left of my vocal chords. I punched him in the throat again when he had my mouth covered, but didn't have my arms trapped. He got up and dragged me by the arms to the edge. To the edge of Olympus. My new home.

"NO! Please stop! I'll go willingly!"

"Oh No sweetheart! You made this hard on yourself. This is your fault! I will relish every second of your screams. When your voice is gone, I will bathe in your moans of pain, and silent begs of mercy. Then, and only then, will I make it worse for you child." I was speechless. Im going to die. I am so going to die. 

Then there was nothing under me. Just air. Thanatos was on top of me holding my arms across my chest, and I realized his torture already strated. He was going to have me go through the concrete full impact. I started to move around hoping that I could float away from hhim, and saw that we weren't above the normal entrance. We were flying towards a field. A field where there were no houses, people, animals. Holy shit! We were getting closer to the ground. There was maybe a thousand feet of air under us and I knew it was done. I gave up and looked into my enemy's eyes, and felt a tear escape mine. before I could even realize that I just saw treetops, I hit.

I hit and there was nothing. Nothing but darkness. Nothing but cold. I was freezing everywhere, but I was somehw numb. There was a seriously concerning pain on my back, and I assumed they broke some bones. I tried to open my eyes, but my arms were trapped. I couldn't move them. It was like I had restraints on. I pried my eyes open, and panacked. All I saw ahead of me was blue. Then I recognized the freezing.

Im in the Ninth Circle.

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