Chapter 6- Michael

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She fell again not too gracefully onto the floor on the otherside. I felt more than heard the thump. I just walked through the vines. I have had to go through them so much it's as easy as walking through some smoke for me. When I was on the other side I saw her pretty little face. Her eyes were filled with wonder and awe. The heavens are very beautiful and wonderous, but over time you just don't appreciate it as much. It's seeing people's faces the first time they enter you really take a step back and remember how you were when you first entered. Her mouth was slightly open, and her eyes were bright. Like milk chocolate. Then suddenly her face scrunched up.

"What's wrong Iris? I must say it may not be what you were expecting bu-" She interrupted my teasing with a loud blood gurgling scream. "What the hell? IRIS! What's wrong? SOMEBODY, GET ME HELP!!!"

I looked at her and she looked at me then I realized that something was out of wack. She tried to turn onto her stomach while still screaming, and tried to crawl away from me. In her eyes I saw fear, then it hit. She was terrified of me. What?

"Sir?" Thomas interrupted my musings, and pointed at Iris who stopped screaming, and is just shaking and moaning in pain.


"Would you like us to take the princess to the infirmary?"

"Yes, and be very gentle, and I don't believe she will be fond of being called princess. Just call her Ms.Iris. So make sure you pass that along to your superiors, if they give you any crap tell them I said so." I gave him a look to let him know I was not jokink. Thomas was just a kid, and I hated pulling rank on him because he knew his place, but I wanted him to know I am not playing.

"Yes sir. Any other specific demands?" I hoisted Iris into my arms, and didnt really want to pass her along to someone else but I had to. I gently laid her down into Thomas's arms for fear of hurting her even more. Right now she was just shuddering.

"Set her on ice. Have her back on ice. I will see her later, if she wakes up please pass along the message."

"Yes sir. If I need to contact you?"

"I will be with Zeus."

"Yes sir."

With that Thomas turned around carrying Iris, and I suddenly felt tense. As usual. I always feel tense when I have to go talk with Zeus, because this whole ordeal is strange.I came up to the door and tried to plan what I was going to say. I knocked on the door and it opened immediately. Zeus stood at his desk looking into the air. Most likely checking with Athena. WHen he saw me a frown marred his face. Apparently I was interrupting something personal.

"Michael! My best friend! How are you doing? What have you been up to?" I smiled at his never ending hope and enthusiasm. Even during the worst of times and the bloodiest of wars he always remained positive.

"Well, I have taken a trip to the underworld today."

"Really? Why?" Straight to the point I guess.

"Well, a few others and myself were reently discussing the missing heir. We figured it a good tactic to possibly make an alliance with Hades. So I went down to speak with their diplomat, and she was out. So I sopke to someone of higher ranking without being Hades himself. I spoke with this daughter."

"His daughter? I wasn't aware he had any other children besisdes the twin boys. But Aphrodite has them, and they have never caused me any trouble. I still keep an eye on them though. So how was his daughter? Tell me about her?"

"Well, she's very diplomatic. Open minded, and straight to the point. I talked with her about the alliance and she agreed on one condition. That I take her up here to the heavens. The vines acceped her gracefully, but as soon as the was in the square, she just started to scream. Like someone was killing her. Nobody was touching her or anything, she just couldn't lay on her back and was scared of me and any other angel for a second. Then just gave up all resistance. She is in the infrmary now."

As I told my story Zeus's face got darker and grew with concern."Maybe we should go see her. It's a very unusual act. Seems like something worth checking on her about. After all, she is not an enemy at the moment, so let's be kind to our alliances. Let's go." We started to walk down the hallway in a heavy silence.

"What's her name?" I was shocked that he even cared.


"Like the part of your eyeball?" I laughed at his question. A throw your head back and give a good hearty laugh.

"Yes sir, like the part of an eyeball. Although I dont believe that was what her parent's were thinking about when they named her."

"That would be very unfortunate."

We arrived at the doors of the infirmary.

Good evening everybody! No time for a long authors note, but I hope you enjoy! WHat do you think is wrong with Iris?

Untill next time!

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