Chapter 12- Michael

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"Damn it!" He decides to interrupt me now when I have a possible daughter? I dropped my papers on my desk and turned to walk to Zeus's office. I thought about telling him how close we were to giving up. I don't think this child exists, and theres no point in  wasting valuable time searching for something that isn't real. "Maybe he was drunk, and imagined it all?" I spoke aloud to myself knowing nobody would question my sanity. "No, maybe this person exists but is just so well blended and does not want to be found. Maybe they know who they are?" I reached for the doorknob and felt her presence on the other side. I knew she was on the oother side of the door. When I opened it, I first saw Zeus to make sure he was fine then I looked at her. She was a pretty little thing too. She stood there in her shirt and shorts, and she was holding her arms.

I looked back at Zeus "You called me?"

"Yes, call the search off." I must have mis-heard him.


"Call everything off. Bring all the soldiers home. No more searching needed."

"Yes sir. Have you finally come to grasp the idea that you made this all up, or even just imagined it? I knew this Mystery child wasn't real, so tell me, was it all a prank? For your personal enjoyment?" I had a feeling that he was messing with us from the start. I smiled as he stared at me. I heard Iris clear her throat, and it sounded raspy. I looked at her and saw that she was red in the face.

"No Michael. Just call the search off." He looked at me with a scowl. What's his deal? I looked at Iris one more time and saw a bruise on her arm.

"What happened to your arm? Fall again?" She looked like she just got busted, and looked prerry pissed at the same time. A strange combination of facial expressions, but it worked.

"Something like that yeah." She nodded, and looked at Zeus who was giving me a death glare.

"What's going on? You guys are acting wierd." What were they hiding. It was obviously big info if they were keeping it to themselves.

"You'll find out eventually Michael." It was Iris that spoke, and I felt my eyes go huge. I wasn't expecting her to answer.

I looked at Zeus and asked, "So do I call all troops home or just some?"

"Whatever makes it easier and quicker. I need everybody here so I can make a very large announcement. I'd like for you to show Iris how you call the troops home. Just something new that she can see." He looked at her in question and she nodded. Strange. Creepy. Just act like you dont notice anything Michael, maybe it's you being on edge with Iris here.

"Ok sir. Iris? Ready?"

"Yeah, um- do you guys have a jacket? Im kind of cold." She smiled and I could tell she wasn't cold, she was trying to hide the marks on her arms.

Zeus smiled at her. "Of course my dear. Michael, when your on your way, can you find her a jacket please?" Did he just say please?

"Yes sir." He gave Iris a small hug and a smile before walking us to the hallway.

When we were alone I asked,"So what really happened to your arms? The bruises are pretty new, and you didn't have them earlier. They also look like handprints." While I was talking, I felt her go stiff. I looked at her now and saw that she had a tear on her cheek, and felt like shit. I don't know why either. I didn't say anything mean.

"It's not important Michael. Just a slip up in the underworld." I saw her face go blank and figured that maybe she got her ass kicked. Those demons can be pretty ruthless when they want to, and aren't easily bruised.

"So do you want a fox coat or chinchilla? They are well known for keeping people warm when needed?" I smiled to try to let her know I was trying to cheer her up. She shook her head smiling.

"Asshole. I think a regular jacket would be fine."

"How are you going to fit your wings in a jacket. Or swearshirt?"

Her eyebrows raised, "With your help im sure."

I was laughing when we found the coat closet, or one of them anyways, ammd ppulled out a bright almost neon pink Victorias Sectret sweater with rinestones and glitter. "This one?"

" Ha-Ha. Very funny jerk face, how about the black one right there?"

"It's about two sizes too big. Are you sure?" I grabbed the jacket out of the closet and waved it in front of her. When she tried to grab it, I pulled it away, out of her reach. I started laughing at her bad efforts. Her short self can't reach.

"Yes I am sure Michael. Just give it to me! Damn it Michael!"

"Ha! You can't reach! Ha ha ha ha!" She smiled really quick, and then I couldn't see her.. "Where did ya-" My face became flat against the floor, and my arm that was holding the jacket was behind me in the air. I realized that I no longer had the jacket. When I got up, I saw that she had the jacket halfway on. That battle was lost .

"So, im  going to show you how to call all thr troops home. They are the military angels. Also known as war angels. They are really brutal, and they are great fighters. I should know. I trained them all. Zeus can fight, and he can fight good, but whhat happens is that he taps into his magic, and we don't have all that. We just have our bodies, and whatever weapons we carry."

"So why is the war angel population so large?"

"We always have to be prepared for a war. Especially against demons, no offense."

She nodded her head in acceptance. "No I get it. They like to push limits, but why so many?"

"It's a long vendeta that has gone on forever. Hades and Zeus's rivalry will always be a catalyst for bloody long wars." I have fought in many of them, but she will never know how bad they are unless she is in one.

"so, there's so many war angels because Zeus and Hades can't get along?"

"No, but your close. There's so many because we always have to be ready for when Hades decides to attack Olympus."

she scrunched her eyebrows in confusion. "Olympus?"

"That's the technical name for where we live. The more religious, and the older Gods and Goddesses and angels have always called in the Heavens, but it was renamed long long ago by greeks. At that point Olympus was the name, but really both are right."

"Hmm- Olympus."

Hello ladies and gents!

Finally! Michael's POV again!!!!!

This chapter was kind of filler untill I decide what's going to happen next- I have a few ideas, but nothing has been set in stone yet.

Read, like, share, vote, comment whatever it is!!!!!

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