Chapter 39- Michael

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Waterford was packed. The smell of coffee, cheap food, and body odor was pungent. I held Iris's hand since we left Olympus. Only separating for a few seconds to shift the bags or hand money or ID over. I really didn't want to let go of her hand. Not after that.

After we did our ticket stuff, we went to desktop pay and submit our luggage. She wasn't all that attractive, not in my opinion anyways. Everything on her looked fake.  Obviously fake blonde hair, I
dont like blonde hair, and grey eyes with fake eyelashes. A little on the thin side, pale, way too much makeup, her nails look like they could scoop my eyeballs out, and too tall for my taste. Absolutely nothing like the petite curvy brunette next to me. The lady, whose nametag said Kim, looked at me like I was a plate of fresh bacon.

"Hello sir. What can I do for you today?" She asked in an I'm-trying-to-be-sexy voice. Her gaze flickered at Iris with dismay, then looked back at me. Lust apparent in her eyes. I quickly glanced at Iris and saw she was smirking. One perfect dark eyebrow raise at the lady in front of us.

I cleared my throat. "Uh, hi. I need to check these in." I pointed to the two luggage bags on the weighing table.

"Of course, and what flight are you on handsome?" Handsome? Really? I heard Iris clear her throat next to me. She was giving Kim a nasty look.

Well Michael, you can go one of two ways with this. Make it clear that you are taken, even though you actually aren't taken, or you can mess with Iris and see how she reacts.

I glanced at her. She was still glaring at Kim.

Time to play.

Leaning on the counter, I put the most charming smile I could muster on my face. It was good enough because I watched Kim's cheeks turn pink. "Flight 472 to Athens."

She nodded as she typed some stuff in. "And your name?"

"Michael Stavros." I watched her cheeks turn from pink to red in less than a second aa she typed away on the keyboard.

"And your friend?" She nodded in Iris's general direction. I followed her nod and looked at Iris. She had her head down and was intensely looking at her shoes. But I could see through the strands of her hair that her cheeks were as red as Kim's were. But probably for a different reason.

No way in hell this girl is jealous.

"Iris Mantosova" she typed some more stuff.

"Okay, the total for you luggage will be forty." She smiled. It was a creepy smile, and she had lipstick on her teeth. "Good thing you paid online, it would be clear past seventy with how much they weigh." God, could she flirt any harder? It qas almost pathetic, and i started to pitt her efforts. At least flirt with some skill. I handed her fifty and she gave me back my change.

"I have you in 4A and your friend in 5A in first class. Your flight leaves through gate seven in forty-five minutes. Have a very safe trip Mr. Stavros." She winked at me as I turned away. "And you too Ms. Mantosova." She gave Iris a sickly sweet smile that made me want to hurl.

Iris smiled back at her,"Μουνί."

I coughed to cover up the laugh that was itching to be released. I grabbed my wallet out of my back pocket and put my change in there. I saw some funky writing that didn't look like receipt writing or money writing. Grabbing the little scrap of paper I saw what was written.

If you're ever interested in a bit of fun, call me. I'm up for anything. She signed it with her name and number and a winky face. I grasped Iris's hand then yanked her close to me. After all, she was the one I wanted.

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