Chapter 41- Michael

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I caught Iris right before she hit the ground. Hoisting her up, I cradled her in my arms. "Can I set her down somewhere?"

"Yeah, bring her into the living room." Rhea gestured behind her. "You can set her on the sofa. Can I get you anything?"

Seriously, I would kill someone for an ice cold chocolate milk right now. "Just water, please." I laid Iris down on the huge sectional. I moved her hair back from her face. Her lips were parted and her sweet breath blew across my face. Her long eyelashes touched the tips of her flushed cheeks.

God she's so beautiful.

I promised right then that I would kill anything that tried to hurt her, with a huge smile on my face. I took her shoes off and threw them on the carpet. Sitting down, I grabbed one of her feet and started rubbing them while the other rested in my lap. The comfort that came whenever I touched her came instantly.

My eyes were drifting shut when a huge glass of chocolate milk appeared in my face. "Christ you are a blessing in disguise." She set down another glass filled with glass and a straw. I gave her a questioning look.

"A special talent of mine I've learned to control. I could tell you really didn't want water. Don't lie to me, I'll figure out the truth with or without your permission." She winked.

"Okay. I didn't want to trouble you." I poured half the glass of chocolate milk into the cup of glass and stirred it around so it could get cold. When I was satisfied, I drank it and goosebumps broke out on my skin. "This is amazing chocolate milk."

"I just made it in the kitchen while you were fawning all over her." She tilted her head towards Iris. "You both have feelings for each other."

I choked on a little piece of ice.

"I think it's good you love her. She will need that love."

"For not knowing a whole bunch about the Omni, you seem to be a waterfall of information about what she will and will not need." I took another swig of the chocolate milk.

"She will change."

"What do you mean change? She's perfect the way she is." I poured the rest of the chocolate milk into the glass with ice. Making sure to get every last drop.

"I agree with you." A cow would agree with me, it was so obvious how perfect she is.

"Then why can't we stop what she's becoming?"

"When the Olympians see her they want to vow to her. They need to do it. They can't help it. It's like with men, at some point in their life they picture a son. They all do it. You've done it. It's instinct. The Olympians are acting on instinct. This can't be stopped. There has to be a reason why it's unstoppable. We just don't know what it is." She shrugged and took a sip of her wine.

I took a small sip of my drink. "How did you feel when Cronus tried to eat all your kids?"

"Pretty pissed." she stated obviously.

"How did you turn Zeus into a pebble and all that?" If that even happened.

"A witch. They're almost extinct now. Maybe a handful or two left in the world."

"Do you still hate him?"

"My child," she shook her head softly. "I never hated him. I completely understood why he did it. And only I know why he did it. The stories, the myths, the rumors; none of them have it right. I never hated him, I maybe even loved him more than I did before. However, I did not agree with his decisions and actions. So, I left him. He now stays in Olympus. She knows who he is. And inside, so do you."

Aeolos. I knew it was him. You'd have to be a Titan to fight the way he did. And the fact that Iris has taken him down not once, but twice, says something about her strength. I set my empty glass down on the table, and continued to rub her feet again. I really wanted to see the new ink, but her dress covered up that area. She turned, facing into the couch. She scooted hew whole body down a little bit. Now her knees and upper thighs rested on my lap. Her hand came up under her chin. My hand grabbed the back of her knee and pulled her closer to me.

"You're her anchor. You will keep her sane. Grounded to reality when this all becomes too much. She will have her moments, but you will bring her back." We both looked at the beautiful creature, sprawled out on the couch, with awe. "You will need her, too. You both will have a love that will never die. It will be immortal in legends and stories."

I looked at Rhea. "I love her. So damn much. And I don't even know her."

"Hold on to that. Because when you guys are in the worst of situations, that's all you'll have to hold on to." The shrill sound of a phone made me wince. "I have to take this. I'll be about twenty minutes. Sit here and relax. The TV works and all that stuff." I smiled at her in thanks and she left towards the beach.

I looked down at Iris. She was going to become something far more amazing than she already was. "My little warrior." I whispered. I gently rubbed my fingertips against her cheeks. She leaned into my touch, I felt my heartbeat accelerate. "Mine." I felt like a Neanderthal for claiming her, but no one was going to take her away from me. Not a single damn person. If they tried, they were dead.

I watched Iris move to where she was on her back. One arm hand above her head and one resting on her chest. She let out a sigh that had goosebumps covering me from head to toe. She started moving her leg against mine. Her breaths came a bit faster and shallower. Practically panting. Her little hands came down and grasped the couch with a death grip. She let out a groan. I got down and crouched nest to her, making sure she wasn't in pain.

She made a noise and it set my blood on fire. "Michael," she moaned. I looked at her face. Her eyes were still closed, but her face was flush. It spread down her neck and to her chest. Her legs caught my attention. She had her thighs pressed tightly against each other. Her ankles were crossed. I shifted myself, my pants rapidly getting uncomfortable.

She is so not in pain. Not the bad kind anyways.

She let out another breathy moan, and her back arched off the couch.

Do I help? What the fuck do I do?

Her hands traveled up to her breasts. Cupping and kneading them through her dress. She pinched herself through the material of her dress, and what I assumed was a bra. She moaned louder. Her foot traced over my waist, beckoning me to join her in her activities. I placed my hands on either side of her head and lowered my lips to hers. One of my knees was between hers and one wasn't. Her little hands traveled up my chest, and up my neck where she wrapped her arms and pulled me down. I rested on one elbow. The other hand went to her waist and yanked her closer. She let out a whimper, and I felt parts of me harden more than I thought capable. I kissed down her neck, almost to that spot that she really likes me to kiss. I heard her breath in air, anticipated. I nibbled her earlobe.

"Oh Jackson!" she moaned really loud this time.

I shot up to my knees.

"What the fuck?" I yelled.

She stared right in my eyes.

HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE evil author laugh... SO why is she yelling out someone else's name? Like seriously- WTF girl!!!??? Comment/ vote/ follow/ all that stuff that you awesome readers do!

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