Chapter 31- Iris

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"Walk with me please?" He held his arm out, a huge smile on his beautiful face. I hesitated, remembering what happened the last time I had seen him. "Redhead!" I jumped at the sound of his loud voice. Still shaky in the knees from my encounter with Michael. One of the guards walked up to Dionysus, a man with red hair and bright blue eyes. He looked at me and smiled, and I realized he was very familiar.

"What's you name boy?"

"Joshua." He said with a smirk. Dionysus's smile turned into a scowl, then he shook his head.

"You'll have to do. Princess?" Dionysus looked at me smiling again. Showing prefect white teeth this time.

"Yes?" I whispered as I smiled back. His demeanor was very relaxed and at ease. I slowly started to feel more and more comfortable knowing that there was going to be another person.

"Will you walk with me now?" His smile grew wider. I hooked my arm though his and he walked with me. We walked in silence. Joshua trailed behind us enough to give us privacy, but still close enough if we ran into trouble.

Or Thanatos. I brushed the disturbing thought away. I'll get to that later.

"There is a reason I would like to talk to you."

"Oh really? Care to tell why?" Dear god my voice sounded awful.

"I would like to apologize." I went to interrupt, saying he had no reason. "No, let me finish. While I may have not been there, I was in the surrounding area, and I can't help but think that maybe if I hadn't left you alone, you would have been okay. And for that I really would like to apologize. You may think I have nothing to feel guilty over, and I understand that. Yet, I feel like there is something I could have done. Should have done, and I know you understand that too."

I cleared my throat, "I understand. Thank you for your apology. It means more than you think." We walked in more comfortable silence before he spoke again.


"I'm sorry?" I responded in a hoarse whisper.

"Honey. It will help your voice. Trust me, I've had to do it a few times myself, but those were for different reasons." He grumbled the last part, and more silence followed.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course princess."

"Will you answer honestly?"

He looked taken aback, and even a little insulted, but I didn't have time to waste on being lied to or told bullshit fables. "I vow to you princess I would never lie to you." I chuckled, the tattoo should show up within the hour.

"I didn't mean to insult you. Thanks for the new tattoo by the way. I want to ask you something I actually always wondered."

"Okay, go."

"Why is Olympus sometimes referred to as the heavens?" I did little air quotes.

He laughed. A good hearty laugh. I heard more laughter join in, and looked behind to see Joshua doing the same. "This will be interesting. Get up here redhead. You can help me out." Joshua came to my left side while Dionysus was on my right.

"I'm sure you know the bible is old. But the bible is made up of multiple scripts. Some maybe even as old as myself." He winked, but he did it with skill. Not like a douche. "We messed up. Ever since we messed up a few thousand years ago, we were seen as angels. We had wings, the pretty glows, and we dressed all in white. So it fit. We didn't think that it would turn into such a thing. Religions were made all because we wanted to check on everyone. See back then, we were very involved with the people. They were our descendants. Very distant descendants of course. But back then we were very careful. Only came dressed in the basics. We turned the glow down and hid the wings, and that was it. We were called angels. All it took was one mistake. We tried to clean up our mess of course, disguising ourselves to blend in and say are you sure you guys saw that? Maybe it was the light. Maybe this maybe that, but there was no way to implant doubt into their minds. So they wrote down what they saw. They wrote it down some time after they experienced it though, so details were messed up horribly. Some of the actual stories in the bible happened, although it wasn't god or Jesus or who the fuck ever who saved them. It was us coming down and saving the life. We felt bad that so much death was happening because of our mistake." He shook his head, and I could imagine all the god's hanging their heads in shame and feeling regretful. Feeling so helpless, powerless. Even though they were beyond powerful.

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