Chapter 17- Michael

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She wasn’t a huge person, so I could have missed her while looking for her amongst the crowds. I marched from room to room hoping that she would just pop up somewhere. Yet she never did. “Where the hell could she be?” I thought aloud. I opened my mind to try to find hers, but I heard nothing. I listened for the smallest sound. A sigh, a breath, a thought, anything. Yet all the feedback I got was nothing. So I went to someone who wasn’t Zeus that could try to help me.

“Athena, your grace, I am in need of some help.” I looked the beautiful goddess who was always surrounded by a crowd to let her know that this was a private matter. Normally I never addressed her so formal but I had to set a good example for other angels.

“Of course Michael.” She bid farewell to her company and tucked her hand in my arm as we walked away. “What can I help you with dear?” She sounded concerned, and I liked that I could trust her with anything; im sure she has some secrets of her own that many do not know.

“Well, it’s kind of strange, and I have never experienced this, but I can’t find someone.” She looked confused and asked the million dollar question.



“May I ask why it is so urgent to look for her? Not that she isn’t important, but I was just wondering why you were looking?” She looked at me and there was no way to lie to such a beautiful creature.

“I worry about her. She is in a new strange place, and some people here may not like her company. I get that every person has their issued with demons and whatnot, but there are angels who can be mean without breaking the angelic laws. I don’t want her to face those people alone.” I can’t believe that I just said that whole thing. That’s when I saw the tint of gold in her eyes. “Ma’am, I would appreciate it if you didn’t use your ability of persuasion on me. I would have told you the truth to begin with.”

“Maybe that’s so, but I didn’t want to have to sit here and dissect a half truth. I think that it is adorable that you care for her so. I cannot hear her thoughts actually, and I have been trying to reach her myself throughout the day, but just assumed that she was too busy to respond. Which happens more often than you may think. I would recommend that you speak with Zeus. He is far better than I am at locating hard to find people.” She looked distressed, and that was something you never want your queen to look like.

“We will find her. Goodbye my lady. I shall see you again.” I patted her hand.

“Preferably with better news. Good luck finding her.” She smiled, and I mentally thanked her for attempting to cheer up the moment. As I turned around I set off for Zeus’s office.

“As of this moment we are all on a temporary truce due to the princess of the underworld. You all have her to thank for your return home,” Zeus exclaimed. The angels in the room roared to life with yells of excitement and happiness of returning. “Now all of you go see your families and friends!” I waited until the last of the angels left the room, so I could share the bad news. “Ah, Michael. It is always a pleasure of having your company. You as usual have a deep scowl embedded into your face, so I assume this isn’t good. Bourbon?” he offered. I politely declined and sat down as he poured himself a drink. “What’s the news?”

“I cannot find Iris.”

“You lost my daughter?” Oh boy.

“Sir, I was not aware she was your daughter.”

“Yes Michael. Yet somehow she is lost again, and now I cannot make the large announcement containing such wonderful news can I?” The more he spoke the angrier he got. The more nervous I got.

“No sir, I would have to say that it would be difficult to share that. I was wondering if you could help me locate her. Athena nor I have had any luck thus far.”

“Well then we know she is no longer on Olympus. If she were here, Athena would have heard her and so would have you and myself. Currently I cannot hear her.” That was one place down now very few left to go. We looked at each other, weighing our options.

“We could go down to earth and listen for her there. If we cannot hear her there, then she must be in the underworld. Or space. I doubt she would be in space though.” I mused in my head what space must be like when he interrupted.

“I don’t think that just dropping down to earth will help us. We have to be absolutely positive that we don’t miss her.” He looked at the globe in the center of his office, and spun it gently. “The globe is split into four main parts. North, south, east, and west. To be sure what if we split the globe into four parts. Landed in the middle of those parts, and listened. Instead of listening to the entire earth, were looking through a quarter of it. We listen, and if we do not hear or feel her, then we fly to the next quarter.”

“That is a good idea, but let’s make it better. What if we did this by continent? We’ll listen to North America, if nothing then move on to the next continent until we have been through all seven. This way we can be even more precise, it might take a little bit longer, but it should work.” He nodded his head in content, and we decided that that would be the final plan. I am curious to know where the hell this girl is though.

Hello errbody!!!!!! Yay an update!!!!!!!!!! I am so stoked to figure out write is going to happen next!!!! I have it all planned out yay!

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Until next time!

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