Chapter 8- Michael

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She finally passed out. Thank god. Now all that you could hear is the sound of her flesh being ripped. After Zeus finished tearing up her back. Forever scaring it. I reached into her right wound, and felt for the bones. I haven't had to so this for some time, so I had to refresh my memory. I then found the wing bone and stood on te table. I grabbed the bones and feathers, and pulled. She has never retracted her wings so they are all stiff and need coaxing into position. I pulled it out to it's maximun length and noticed how wide her wings were. They were stll covered in blood so I couldn't tell what color the were, but they were still huge. Her karma for making fun of mine. After I pulled that one out all the way, I moved over to her left side but Zeus was already pulling her other wing out. There was blood everywhere. Me, Zeus, Iris, we were covered in it. I turned to find Thomas and saw that he and Androngena were cleaning it up.

"How did you know it was trapped wings?" I asked Zeus.

"Well, she's the daughter of Hades, so I figured she should have some wings as it is. Especially being a first generation child. When I looked at her back and saw no scars it just clicked. She is a very stong girl. Very strong. I wonder what her wings wil look like. She has a high pain tolerance too. That's always a plus." He grinned from ear to ear with his realization.

"I'll help Androngena and Thomas. Im sure she wil be livid when she wakes up and we just did this to her. I know I would be. I'd probably go off killing off everubody that was in the room. That's just me. Im sure she would do so much worse." We grinned at that statement.

"Ok Michael, but don't take any crap. Remember we are still trying to find my lost child." He had a saddened look on his face as he walked away and I felt bad for the man. He truly believed that he has another child with someone else that he does not know who is. I remember when he told Athena, and they decided to agree to disgree. He asked her if she would acceppt the child as one of her own if they were to ever find them, and she said of course. There is a difference between saying you will, and doing it. Whatever keeps the boss happy.

"Thanks for cleaning guys. I'll take it from here.Can you leave the clean rags though?" Androngena looked at me nodded, and walked away with the bloody towels. She had firey red hair and crystal clear green eyes. They were an endless green. Beautiful, but not my favorite. I walked to the sink and filled it with hot soapy water.

I never understood the fear of demons. They aren't as bad as people make them out to be. Although they are intimidating. I grasped Iris's wing and started to wipe the ripped muscle and blood off of it. Demons are bad, but I never understood why the new angels had such a fear of them. Maybe im just old and used to it, but even when i was just a few years old I was never as scared as they were. Now they wont even touch a demon/. Let alone wipe blood off one.

In my musings her wing twiched and flapped. It was really interesting watching someone first use them. Even if she is unconscious. As I was wiping the blood away her colors started to show on her wings. "What the hell?" I started to rub them faster so I could really see them. I quickly moved to the other wing after I finished the right one."Zeus!" I was grateful that I could just call Zeus and he pop up whenever I needed him to. It took him abiut a minute to get to the infirmary, and when he got there he was as dumbstruck as I was. Her wings. The outer edges of them was pitch black. Almos blue. But then more inward they grew white. It as always been easy to tell if someone was a demon or angel. The angels have white wings and the demons have black wings. So her wings were truly a rare look. And she will most definitely stand out amongst her kind. Any kind actually.

I looked at Zeus and asked. "What do we do?" We both touched her wings and she flapped them on instinct.

"Im not sure. This is strange. This is, unknown." Zeus always had a fascination with the unknown.  It was the process of finding out new information that excited him. And made me very exhausted.

Iris stirred, and I looked for something gor her to wear. Her shirt was ripped, and she wouldn't be able to walk around with no top. Althoug that would get the attention off of her wings. Zeus was obviously thinking the same thing as me because he came back with a loose tanktop. The girls always say that they are the most comfortable. It was white and had a picture of Jaws on it. One of my favorite movies. I put it over her head while she was still laying down and pulled her ripped shirt out from under her, just as I did that, she lunged. n

Se had my by the neck. That's when I realized she was trying to kill me. She looked pissed. Her eyes shone a bright blue. Wait what? her eyes are brown. Then I saw that thing in her eyes. When she gets mad.The black part of her eye was gold and the brown part of her eye was a birght clear blue. Trippy. I pried her hands off of my neck with ease. Her pupils went back to black, but her eyes remained the same shicking blue. Her wing flapped and I felt her go still. She paled and looked to her side, then behind her and saw the wings. I saw her look at them up and down, then she tried to reach for it. It flinched away and she looked agitated. She reached for the wing again and got it. She pulled off a feather and inspected it closely.

"She looked at me and asked, "How?"

YAY! THats 2 in one night! *pats self on back* IM tired of writing little chapters, so I set a minumum number and none of my chapters now will be inder 1000 words! I will be updating soon! Whether it be tonight or within the week!!!

What do you think is gonna happen? We introduced some new characters in the past 2 or 3 chapters do you think they may be important?

Good Night erbody!

ps: THe JAWS shirt that michel describes is very real. I actually own it! Its white with lace, and a picture of the VHS cover of the movie!

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