Chapter 7- Iris

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I woke up freezing. Like seriously freezing. I tried to turn my body away from the cold and it hurt like a bitch on my back. The part of my back that movved away from the ice suddenly felt like a fire was lit on it so I moved back to how I was. There was some dude watching me, but I didn't hear him. All I heard was ringing in my ears and it was very irritating. He looked at me with a "what's wrong with this broad" face so I just said "Im sorry, I cant hear you above the ringing." Jesus my voice was raspy. Must have been from the screaming. He smiled and looked at me. He was writing something down on a paper.

"On a scale of 1 to 10 what is your pain level?"

"It's at about a 9," I told him. I dont think I can muster the energy to write anything down.

"Do you know where you are?"

"The heavens. Michael took me up hereas part of our agreement. Where is he? I think you can try to talk."

He spoke aloud this time. "He told me that he would be with Zeus, and he will be with you in a bit. My name is Thomas. I brought you here." He smiled a kindred smile. He then stood up to go put the paper on a counter. "It looks like you'll be fine. Can I ask you what hurt, and why you were screaming bloody murder at the entrance? You've stirred up quite the gossip." HHe smiled again letting me know he can be trusted.

"I just felt a sharp pain in my back. It started under the shoulders, and stopped at the lower part of my back. I dont know how to describe it, but it just felt like something was wrong. Like my skin was ripping. Any diagnosis?"

He laughed," No, I can't think of anything that sounds like it could fit that description, but if I do i'll share with you."

"Well that sucks. That just royaly sucks balls." There was a moment of silent understanding the suckishness of the situation when the doors bursted open and in walked Michael, and someone who I can only describe as having the ability to take your breath away. I immediately recognized who he was, and felt myself go pale. I wasn't ready. Not for this. But he had such a welcoming demeanor, but I was still terrified because he was still a strange unknown man. Michael turned around and left and so did Thomas.


"Hello Iris." He stared at me like I was a specimen under an microscope.

I cleared my throat, but it was still raw. "Hello." I thoughht about calling him father but something told me to wait.

"How are you feeling child?" Hearing him say child brought a wave of warmth through oout my body because he looked like he really cared.

"I uh.." I couldn't stop stammering, " um.... I feel.... fine. Sore, but fine" I meekly smiled for effect.

"May I see your back child?" I was taken aback for two reasons. One because he knew where the pain was located, and two because he wanted to inspect the source. I stood dumbstruck, and realized he was waitinf for a reasponse, when Hades usually just asks, but it's not really a question.

"Yes." I turned around and lifted the back of my shirt up a little and felt his fingers prod at wierd angles and spots. Then he touched the most painful part and I fell to my knees with tears brimming in my eyes. All i could handle was groaning in pain. All I heard was the ringing again. In my haze I saw Zeus, Michael, and Thomas. A few other strange faces lingered in the corners of my vision. I was put gently on my stomach and my shirt was ripped in half. I felt hands grasp my wrists and started to panic.

"What are you doing? Let me go! SOMEBODY HELP! No, no, no, no get away from me LET ME GO!" I tried to thrash around then i felt someones knees dig into the back of my thighs and felt the fingers grasp even deeper into my skin and just about passed out, but I was never that lucky. I was still very much awake and scared out of my mind. WHat were they doing.

"Michael hold her arms down. She's going to thrash even more in a minute. Hold on. Androngena, hold her head still!" I was confused for a second then I felt it. I felt the blade at my right shoulder and I felt it rip my skin and muscle slowly all the way down to the edge on my pants. I screamed. I screamed like I never have before. As I was screaming I felt my throat burn. I saw windows shatter and glass spray everywhere. I then felt the blade press into my left shoulder and as it pressed down I felt the tears stream down my face and wished for death. I prayed for death to take me. I begged for them to stop.

"Maybe we should stop." I heard Michael say,

"No. One is out, it's necessary to get the second one out or else it will never happen. The scars will be just like ours. Maybe a little darker because she is a demon." That was zeus.

I felt the blade press further into my Left shoulder and prepared myself for the burning pain again. This time felt slower and much much more worse than the other side. I felt the blade rip deep into my skin and flesh and screamed harder than before. I felt the blade reach the edge of my pants, and finally surrendered to the darkness that enveloped me.

Good evening ladies and gentlemen!

How awesome was this chapter!!!!??? I was so excited when the idea of this came to me!! I might write a chapter or 2 more tonight because I am on a roll! Im sure we can all guess whats happening to Iris :) If not then wait untill the next chapter to see!!!

Also!, should I write something from Zeus and Hades point of view?

Sorry for any typos!

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