Chapter 40- Iris

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I ended up falling asleep most of the flight. Michael actually had to wake me up as we were landing. He got our luggage, a rental car, and on the road in less than forty-five minutes after waking me up. He also never let go of my hand, and if he did it was only for a minute. A small part of me liked that he didn't, it made me feel like we had something going on.

"Where does she live?" I asked as he typed the address into the GPS on his phone.

"A huge house in Piraeus. It's about thirty minutes or so depending on traffic. I've been in Piraeus before. We sailed into the port a few hundred years ago, and it was beautiful. She lives right on the beach too."

"Wonder if she walks around naked and frightens all the tourists."

"And little do the people know that she's one of the oldest beings on the planet." I nodded. People would shit. Literally.

"I can imagine her twerking on her private beach in nothing but stilettoes and a G-string." He shook his head laughing.

"You have a strange imagination little warrior."

"I get bored and picture random things in my head." He laughed. I fumbled for something else to talk about, not wanting to be shrouded in silence. Silence is awkward. Especially after our flight conversation. "Have you ever met her?"

"Who?" he said a bit distracted. One hand on the steering wheel and the other loosely holding my hand.

"Rhea. I figured you so old, so maybe you have met a titan or two." He glanced my direction.

"Not that I know of." he was chewing the inside of his lip. A habit I broke a long time ago.

The conversation was obviously over, so instead I looked out the window. The view was beautiful. We were driving along the coast. The port was filled with beautiful boats, yachts, and a couple cruise ships spotted the bay.

We were going closer and closer to the water. Michael never looked at his phone to double check he knew where we were going.

I felt my phone vibrate. Unlocking it I read the text.

Aphrodite: How was your flight?

Me: boring. I slept the whole time.

Aphrodite: Good, the bow worked.

Me: What do you mean? Didn't you shoot me with cupid bow?

She didn't respond immediately like she was before.

Aphrodite: Not one of his love arrows, silly. He has all kinds of arrows for all kinds of purposes. We gave you one that kind of knocks you out. You looked tired, so I figured it would help you get a nap in. You're welcome 

Me: So- that wasn't a love arrow or whatever?

Aphrodite: No, it won't affect you romantically at all. Whatever feelings or crazy stuff you do is all you.

I stared at the phone, then threw it into my purse. Not wanting to think that these feeling for him are all my own, and not some result of Aphrodite wanting to play matchmaker.

Michael pulled into a little shop. He rooted around in one of his bags, and pulled out what I assumed were a few articles of clothing and tucked a couple weapons in between them. "What are we doing?"

"I- uh, I have to change." He fumbled around and grabbed a pair of black combat boots.

"Into that? It's like eighty-five degrees outside and humid as a hippo's balls."

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