chapter one

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hello for me now it's october 26th 2021 and i finished the book awhile ago, i hate the writing and that's what i hear from a lot of people. i'm sorry if you are disappointed with the book i really am. i hate the way i wrote as well. when i wrote it i was in a terrible point in my life and i used to this to get everything out.

big tw in this!!

The base of the music vibrated the bar table. dream played around with the rim of his cup, filled with a beer that he decided not to drink. he wasn't in the mood for it. he dug his head into his hands pleading for the headache to go away.

he happened to look over and see a small, brown haired boy. he placed his drink on the table, stumbling, obviously drunk. something caught the small boys attention and he walked off, leaving his drink down the isle from dream.

a few minutes passed and a tall, black haired man appeared. he had pale skin and looked weird. he looked around observing the area. then, reached down into his pocket and pulled out something, placed it in the boys drink and walked around the corner waiting.

dream knew what was happening. but he didn't want to possibly be wrong, so he waited too.

the small boy returned to his glass about 15 minutes later. he grabbed it with his shaky hand and lifted it too his lips. he took a drink, finishing the whole thing. he sat there for a moment until he started to trip over his feet. the boy held his hand to his head. the mysterious tall guy walked to him and grabbed his wrist, dragging him upstairs.

dream jumped from his seat. he wasn't gonna let whatever the fuck was gonna happen, happen. he sprinted after the two. he went up the steep stairs. he could hear faint "let m-me gOo" "s-s-stop," he turned the corner to see the brown haired boy held against the wall by the tall man. he was leaving purple marks all the way down his neck.

the boy looked over at dream and mouthed, "please help" you could tell he was going to pass out. "hey get the fuck off of him" dream yelled. "do you know each other..?." the black haired boy questioned, already sweaty. "I said get the fuck off of MY boyfriend," dream scolded. the mysterious man pushed the boy off of his hands making him fall to the floor. "hey man i didn't mean to start any trouble. he wanted this" the man said as dream with tight fists walked closer and closer.

"you know exactly what the fuck you were doing." dream swung at the man hitting him straight in the face. he fell to the ground. dream ran over to the boy to see if he was still conscious. his eyes were barely open. "what's your name?" dream whispered. the boy couldn't respond, he was out of it. dream grabbed him and lifted him up placing his legs around dreams waist.

the car engine rumbled. and turned on. he pulled out of the driveway and drove straight to his house. occasionally dream would look over at the boy to see if he was still awake. he hoped he'd fall asleep and wake up in the morning. he reached his street and drove down the few houses reaching to his apartment complex.

dream turned off the car and stepped out of the car immediately going to the other side to assist the boy. he grabbed him and carried him up the long stairs to the room. he shuffled in his pockets for his key making a clinking noise. he reached his other pocket and found the key in relief. he trembled getting the door unlocked.

his apartment was strangly cold. as he opened the door. dream set the boy on the couch and grabbed a few pillows and blankets from his room and brought them over helping the boy get laid down. he was crying. tears flowing down his face. dream wiped them off, "it's okay you're safe, i promise," dream assured. george's sniffles came to a stop notifying dream he was asleep.

dream got up and walked to his bedroom, immediately passing out from exhaustion on his bed.

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